Animal Spirit



4 years, 2 months ago


 This Bio/Wiki contains some SPOILERS for the Story, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK  



Hero Name: Animal Spirit
Epithet: The Ebony Hero
Real Name: ???
Age: 22
Birthday: January 1
Sex: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Bisexual
Eye Color: Red
Height: 174 cm
Blood Type: O-

Status: Alive
Occupation: Pro Hero
Current Ranking: No. 26


Quirk: "Animal Soul" (???)

-  Spirit is able to transform herself into a number of different animals  and can use what features and attributes they have in the natural world  (such as claws, tails, holding your breath, etc..)

She  can Shift into an animal completely (and thereby taking on their shape,  an exact copy so to speak), or she can choose to only Shift Partway-  manifesting parts of animals but remaining mostly human (such as having  paws and claws for hands, having wings on her back, etc..). She is able  to Shift between forms rather quickly, and when she does so her body  becomes almost ethereal and blurred, and is engulfed in a black-red haze  of energy that has bits of darker pieces falling like snow.

All  of her Shifts, regardless of animal- are all black. Fur, skin, hide,  scales, feathers- everything, all black, all the time, no exceptions.

On a more in depth level, her Quirk actually alters her very DNA and mimics the DNA of the animal she Shifts into.


Spirit  is a rather fickle personality and oftentimes can quickly switch  between two different demeanor's and tones. For the most part she's a  solitary figure and doesn't spend much time interacting or talking to  other people, and prefers to keep to herself and will avoid social  interaction where she can. When she is forced to talk to other people  she is polite and does her best to get along with them where she can.  She's formal, and respectful to people of higher status, and she is  always very pleasant with other Pros and the Police when talking with  them. She takes her job seriously and acts according to high-stakes,  pressurized situations with an air of calm and collection that befits  the demeanor of a Pro.

She's  very quick to set off, however- and is easily annoyed, by a great deal  many things, but especially people who are cheeky and overconfident.  She's not fond of people who like to tease her, because though she will  never admit it- she's actually quite self conscious. She can get worked  up really quickly and lash out for it, but she mostly just keeps herself  quiet and bottles everything up.... as par for the course, since she  trusts literally no one.

Despite  her solitary, distrustful nature- she's an incredibly loyal individual  and has a strong drive to help other people. Once she gets attached to  someone or something she will guard it with her life if need be- and she  takes her Hero job incredibly seriously.

The  bulk of her life is unknown and she doesn't invite other people in to  know about it- even as a Pro Hero she is reserved and does her best to  keep away from the media and the Press as much as possible. She doesn't  take time to give into Interviews or photo shoots, and she doesn't take  time to keep up with her fans either for autographs or anything like  that- but she still makes sure to be polite and friendly with them as  she passes by.

She is also very loud and crass once you get her going, and stubborn to boot.


- Hand-to-Hand Combat: Animal Spirit relies heavily on hand to hand skills in conjunction with  her Quirk. While being able to Partially Shift portions of her body  into that of an animal (such as claws), she's developed a style of  fighting that works to the advantages she has in her human form, and any  animal form as well. She uses his combat skills successively with  animal attributes, and has adopted a style of fighting that involves  quickly switching between different forms, weights, and strength/speed  levels to keep her opponents on their toes and off balance. A favorite  tactic of hers and dodging in and out of their direct sight and using  her momentum in one form to carry over as a 'battering ram' when she  Shifts into something larger and more powerful- effectively hitting an  opponent with an incredible amount of force they may not have expected  from an animal that had seconds before been small. She uses every aspect  of her own body and her Quirk to the best advantage and does her best  to exploit the advantages each different form has in a fight. Her  ability to employ different forms and tactics in rapid succession  allowed Animal Spirit to go toe to toe with the Hero Killer, and make  her a match for his incredible speed.

- Impressive Endurance: There is an exhaustive nature to Animal Spirit's Quirk, since the  actual act of changing forms is a strain that gets worse with each  continued Shift. Shifting between too many forms in a short amount of  time is both exhausting, and potentially harmful for her. She burns up a  lot of energy simply altering her DNA in order to take on a different  shape, and continues to burn that energy retaining the form- especially  so if she Shifts Partially, rather than all the way. Through years of  training, she's learned to handle this strain and built up a level of  endurance for it, and has proven herself capable of remaining in  conflict and physical activity for an extended period of time- and  continue on strong, even when injured or passed her limit.



Power: 4/5 (B)

Speed: 5/5 (A)

Technique: 6/5 (S)

Intelligence: 3/5 (C)

Cooperativeness: 3/5 (C)

Alternative Stats:

Attack Power: 4/5 (B)
Defensive Power: 3/5 (C)
5/5 (A)
3/5 (C)
5/5 (A)



Death Arms

Spirit  and Death Arms are friends from Highschool. They were in the same Hero  Course together when attending school, and though Spirit remained a  mostly solitary figure- she found a friend in Death Arms, and they have  remained friends even since becoming full-fledged Pro Heroes. They get  along well and Spirit regards him as her only friend.

However  regardless of their close relationship and the trust built up between  the both of them- Death Arms knows competitively little about Spirit,  and who she is, or where she is from. He doesn't even know where she  lives or that she works another job outside of her job as a Pro Hero-  and Spirit has never attempted to disclose the information either. It  isn't so much for a lack of trust in Death Arms personally, than it is  just a lack of trust Spirit has in anyone- even her only friend.


Hawks  is an unwanted acquaintance at the start of "Ebony". In the start of  the story, and their time knowing one another- Hawks is a hot topic all  over Japan and he's attracting and keeping a large amount of media and  fan attention. Spirit stays away from the spotlight and she becomes  easily agitated with his boyish, cocky and carefree mannerisms- as well  as his persistence.

His persistence, however- is  that gateway that gives rise to them establishing a better relationship  with one another. Though he still seems to have a knack at irritating  her- even with the smallest things- they have managed some sort of  formal relationship that is slowly starting toward familiar. And whether  Spirit realizes it or not, his antics and his presence are slowly  having an affect on what she does herself. With Hawks around she's been  nudged from her comfort zone and she's doing things she never would have  had she not met him.

Now whether he will be a good  or bad influence- that still remains to be seen, and will assuredly  become clear the longer she knows him, and the further the story  progresses.

Hawks respects Spirit and her opinions quite a lot, and he's willing to  change his habits and try to better himself to be more in line with what  she believes. He finds her exceedingly interesting, and he genuinely  wants to get to know her better- and her stubbornness against getting  that personal with him just makes him all the more interested. He cares  about her quite a bit, and he's often times worried about her and her  well-being, though usually he tries to hide his concern behind a cocky  smile and childish behavior. He's acts sure of himself around her,  though more often than not she throws him for a loop again and again,  and if something were to go seriously wrong and she were to end up  injured, he'd lose all his cocksure behavior and be more flighty and  mother-hen like.

Spirit does enjoy his company some of the time,  though she certainly wouldn't admit it. And as time goes on she does  start to set up a special place in her heart for his childish, cocky  self- and it does mean quite a bit to her that he tries to take her  advice and listen to what she has to say. AS she begins to let her guard  down around him, she lets her more caring side show through and she'll  do what she can to make sure he's okay and that he's doing fine. She  won't have the best bedside manner on the planet, and she'll be gruff  and have her bite- but she'll show a bit of tenderness for him when they  are alone and intimacy too. (Running her fingers through his hair as he  lays his head in her lap, fixing his jacket... Messing with his wings).

(Spirit is an ultimate tsundere)



Not  much is known about Animal Spirit, or her family life, or even her time  before entering highschool, and being there. Nothing is known about her  parents, or where she lived before entering highschool- and when she  does mention a family life, she mentions no names and never goes into  specifics.

What is known is that Spirit transferred  into the same High school that Death Arms attended- and a High school  with a successful Hero department, but by no meams on par with the likes  of UA or their rival on the opposite end of Japan. While attending  school there, Spirit kept mostly to herself and in her three years-  excelled in both the Hero and General Academia that was offered. she  struck up a friendship with the student that would eventually be known  as the Pro Hero Death Arms, and that friendship has persisted into their  time as full-fledged Pro Heroes. Death Arms is at current, the only  person who knows her 'real' name and not just her Hero Name.

Upon  leaving high school and receiving her Full License, Animal Spirit  quickly established herself as a Pro and became wuite popular in a small  time frame. In her two years since becoming a Full Pro- she's climbed  the Ranks of Japan's Heroes and has hit the No. 26 spot in the top 100  Heroes in Japan. She was, briefly- the youngest Pro Hero in Japan-  before Hawks took the No. 24 Spot.

She has never  signed on with a Pro Hero Agency, and continues to refuse joining one-  even after receiving many offers. She has no marketers and no brand  names she owns, or endorses. She receives no outside income for her Hero  work other than the government-instated pension all Pro Heroes are  awarded. She also holds no social media platforms or accounts connected  with her Hero name.

Further into the story, it  becomes clear that Spirit has an acquaintance named 'Dante' that holds  some unknown role and function of authority that is connected with the  Government. The details of this relationship are still largely unknown  (as of Chapter 7), but it is hinted that Spirit has been placed on a  list of people to be monitored, and her actions be reviewed- a plan at  keeping a close watch on her and possibly punishing her for  inappropriate, or overly violent action. Dante is the only person in the  world that knows every detail of Spirit's life- where she works, lives,  talks to, and what she has done in the past.... As well as who she was,  a long, long time ago.

Spirit also works two jobs-  one in her duties as a Hero, and also another as a Bartender for a  Strip Club in the Red Light District. While in her Bartending role, she  goes by the alias of 'Kage' and is paid entirely in cash. She has no  personal relationship with her employers, and no formal work records  (such as real name, address, etc.). Her work hours consist of roughly;

5am - 12pm as a Bartender

5pm - 4:30am as a Pro Hero

She sleeps in the off hours of 12pm to 5pm.

Her  secrecy extends to her Civilian life- wherein, no one knows her real  name and the people in the part of the city she lives in, only know her  as 'Kage'. She lives in a small apartment in the basement of an  apartment building- which is located in the lower ends of the Red Light  District of Tokyo, Japan.


Theme Song:

Run Wild {For KING & COUNTRY}



- She is a very good singer
- Her #1 favorite Pro Hero is Thirteen
- Japanese is not her first language
- Her cellphone's ringtone is the ACDC song, "Back in Black"


   This is the end of the Spoiler Warning.   



Haven't Read Ebony?

Ebony-verse {My Hero Academia- Animal Spirit}

Ebony (Ongoing) 

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