Aneko Izaru



4 years, 2 months ago




Spoilers Below


Real Name: Aneko Izaru
Alias(es): "Danger Is Near", "Seer"

Age: 31
Birthday: December 29
Sex: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Heterosexual
Eye Color: Grey (Formerly blue)
Height: 173 cm
Blood Type: AB+

Occupation: Villain (formerly), Teacher at UA (Current)
Affiliation: UA High School
Hero Name: ???

Hideki Izaru (Father)
Keina Izaru (Mother)

Quirk: Sixth Sense

-  In simplest terms, Izaru is aware ahead of time that some Danger will  befall her, someone near to her, or an area she is in. 'Sixth Sense' is  the ability to instinctively feel moments of harm and danger, be it with  herself or someone else, as well as an increase in perceptive abilities  to a degree that is supernatural, even in a world dominated by Quirks  and the 'impossible'.

The  most in depth details of this Quirk remain largely unknown, and what is  known of it has been accumulated through theory and thought from Izaru  herself. The easiest way she has been able to explain this sense of when  things going wrong- is comparing it to the internal sense that some  animals get before a disaster, or the sense that something may not be  right. 

The more physiological side of her Quirk is that her body remains in a constant  'Fight or Flight' mode, regardless if she is asleep, or awake,or even if  she is in physical danger or confrontation. Her body is continually  flooded with an excess amount of adrenaline, making her senses more  hyper-aware of the world around her- almost to a supernatural level.  Because of this she has an innate sense of other people and the world  around her, she gets 'feelings' when something bad is going to happen,  and she has to make a snap judgement to figure out what the 'bad' is,  where it is coming from, and what to do in retaliation.

Her  Quirk also makes her hyper aware of her surroundings and the people in  it- she's a perceptive person and she can usually look at someone and  determine their true natures. It also makes it easier for her to tell  when something is wrong with someone else, or even pick up on subtle  hints, ticks and clues that other people may miss entirely.  And because  of her impressive level of intelligence, and incredibly adept ability  to organize limited information into valid theory- she is able to take  the feelings from her Quirk, survey her surroundings and what she sees-  and manage a way to counteract whatever Danger she is sensing at an  impressive rate. Her quick reflexes, thinking, and incredible perceptive  abilities- make her a formidable opponent, even against others with  Quirks that are far more powerful than her own.

The  'feelings' she gets present themselves as a sudden rush of adrenaline,  and something of a 'pirckle' or cold, gut-feeling in her stomach- of the  kind someone would get when afraid, panicked, or otherwise incredibly  stressed. Her Quirk cannot be 'turned off' so she is constantly open to,  and feeling the effects of those 'bad feelings' going on around her at  all times. She picks up on Danger regardless if it ever comes to pass or  not, meaning; in the hundreds of different possible scenarios that  someone or herself could potentially end up in trouble, or hurt- she  feels it. In the thousands of different scenarios occurring in every  second of her life that could potentially lead to someone in trouble or  injured- her Quirk picks up on the accompanying feeling with that  Dangerous Event, and her adrenaline spikes and her body tenses against  the feeling, even if the danger never actually occurs. Because of this,  it is extremely difficult for her to be around other people- because she  is picking up on every single possible bit of danger, and her body is  reacting to it accordingly- she can quickly become strained and  exhausted, and her health can take a significant hit.

It is not entirely clear what sets off these feelings of hers, but she has  a good handle on which feelings spell for something minor, or something  more disastrous. There is a clear internal difference between a sense  of when someone may simply cut their finger, accidentally trip and get  hurt or something like that- or when they are in for more mortal/fatal  danger. There is also a very specific and identifiable sense that she  has when someone is about to, or are likely to die. There is also a  difference in the feeling she can pick up on to determine if the bad  feeling is connected to herself, someone else- or an area. And though  the most significant sense of danger is attributed to physical injury-  she can also pick up a sense of people who may experience more mental  and emotional injury as well. Because it mostly requires some sort of  harm, it's harder for her to gauge the actions of people who are not  intending her true harm (such as when brawling), but she can still get a  sense of someone looking to apprehend her or bind her- it usually takes  the feeling of something minor and more 'passive'.

On  a more complicated level, and more theory- Izaru hypothesizes that her  Quirk is picking up on signals and stimuli that is connected to an array  of interconnected lines that span between all living things, but are  invisible to the naked eye and cannot physically be touched by anyone or  anything on the earth. She has dubbed this way of thinking and relative  interconnections as 'Touch' or 'Contact' Theory.  

She  believes that her Quirk allows her to pick up on signals coming from  these lines spanning between herself, the earth, and the people around  her- and that in some way, once one thing happens- whether the ground  shakes a little, someone takes too many steps one way, a tile shifts, or  even when someone makes a conscious decision- that one little action  (physical and mental) is felt along the lines and it influences  everything else around it in some way. And eventually, even the smallest  of things cause enough disturbance along the interconnections,  eventually danger becomes inevitable- and she simply becomes aware of  the inevitable in the form of a 'bad feeling' ahead of something actually  happening.

She  believes she has more direct contact and intuition of things she is in  close contact with- that every interaction with someone else or a  specific place strengthens that interconnected line between herself and  it, and makes sensing danger for that person or place all the more  intuitive, and faster. Continued and regular contact between herself  and other people, and herself and a specific location make that 'Line'  connecting her to those things stronger- and thus the way her Quirk  picks up on stimuli and vibration through the Lines (or rather  "Strings") is more in tune and stronger as well. It is something akin to  warming up a motor- if the motor has been running a while, there is  less delay in whatever action is asked of it- the corresponds to the  Lines/Strings between Izaru and people and places she is near regularly.  Conversely, if the motor has not been running and needs to be turned on  and revved up- there is a longer delay for what is expected to be done.  In this analogy, Izaru's Quirk reacts less to people and places she is  new to, or has not been around for some time- and thus, it reacts less  to the Danger, and has a shorter warning period for her to react to. She  believes everything is connected to everything else in some way, and  any action or decision has a ripple effect on everything else- her Quirk  decodes and picks up on the ripples in the interconnected Strings in  order to make her aware of Dangerous Situations or trouble ahead of  time, and is more effective when she is near someone or someplace for a  regular amount of time (and thus, the String connecting her to those  things has been strengthened from the continued contact).


Physically,  her Quirk is exhaustive to an extreme. Because her Quirk cannot be  'turned off', and it puts her body in an everlasting 'Fight or Flight'  mode pumped up about to about times ten- she's on edge at all seconds of  her life and it quickly wears on her energy levels. Her body is kept in  a sate of tension and strain of someone who's on the edge of a  heart-attack, and any amount of work or physical activity is incredibly hard for her to do. It takes a lot of effort and strength to do what  should be easy, and she wears out quickly if involved in physical  confrontation that lasts an extended amount of time. 

Her  Quirk never lets her relax, and because she's always so physically  wound up- any semblance of relaxing is extremely difficult to near  impossible. Because of this, she has a hard time sleeping and has  adapted to a lifestyle where she sleeps very few hours every few days.  It is also hard for her to remain friendly or even kind, and her Quirk  is just as mentally exhaustive- it has proven to be quite maddening, and  could easily drive someone into a state of paranoia, depression, and  even insanity if they crack underneath it. Her whole world is consumed  by feeling any and all bad things that do happen, or could potentially  happen. Her life is spent knowing and feeling every single fraction of  bad all the time, no matter what.

More logistically, the major limitations of her Quirk involve distance, time, and relative vagueness.

Izaru  can only sense any danger if she is in a relative distance of where it  is occurring, or to who. The exact distance is debatable, but for the  most part- she needs to be in a radius of about half a mile to sense  danger befalling an area, and a smaller distance than that for  individual people. In terms of danger aimed for herself, she usually  only get's a sense of something coming toward her if they are within a  few hundred feet.

There  is no real identifier for what the danger she feels actually is- it  could be any number of things and she has to rely on observations of her  surroundings and her foes to come up with what might happen, and what  to do in order to avoid anything truly hazardous. She makes a guess of  what might happen, and acts according to that guess- it's up to her to be as accurate as possible, and if she guesses wrong it could spell for something disastrous.


In  her younger years, Izaru was a very polite, compliant, and friendly  figure that got along with everyone with an incredible amount of ease-  and you'd never see her upset nor angry with anyone. She was always  helping other people and lending a hand, and she had a good  relationship with everyone she ever met. Everyone knew her as helpful  and friendly, and they knew they could ask for help whenever they needed  and for whatever they needed. Izaru is an incredibly smart individual and  she's very good at thinking things through and solving problems. She  held conversations and struck them up with others, enjoying any sort of  social interaction and chatter.

However  despite her friendly nature she never truly got close to anyone, and  hardly anyone knew much about her. She remained a mystery to near  everyone throughout school, and only to Shota Aizawa did her hidden  personality emerge.  Despite keeping up a face of being polite, cheerful  and nonbothered, Izaru is more sullen and somber than people would ever  realize and she's incredibly easy to set off. She refrains from talking  about too many personal things, because she has a habit of falling into  a sort of 'rant mode' and can talk on and on with little pause for an  extended period of time. She hides her agitation for the most part but  it can flare when she gets pushed to the edge, and once she gets worked  up enough- she has quite the foul mouth as compared to what you might  think of her to start with.

Despite  what face she puts up to keep her deeper, innermost thoughts from being  seen by other people- she is a kind person, and she cares deeply for  others. She has as strong sense of justice and a will to protect other  people, and she's capable of remaining levelheaded and calm in all sorts  of situations. She worries about how other people are feeling and  empathizes with them strongly when they are in pain or upset- and will  do what she can to make them feel better and help.

Following  the events that landed her with the Police and eventually in the  custody of UA as a 'Teacher'- Izaru had become incredibly withdrawn and  quiet. Her expression rarely wavers from neutrality and emotionlessness,  and when it does- her expression betrays how uneasy, uncomfortable,  unsure and tense she is. She has little idea how to interact with other  people, after being starved social interaction for ten years, and she  does not know how to temper herself, or even how she should act. Being  around people makes her incredibly uncomfortable and physical or even  just close-contact from anyone is enough to make her flinch away and set  panic racing through her in ingrained reaction. She usually manages a  way to keep herself from reacting to people getting close, but if faced  with a large number of people all at once (and especially people she  doesn't know), she can't always keep her unease from showing through.

She's  not quick to interact or talk to anyone, and she's not good at coming  up with things to say to other people. She has a hard time keeping track  of time and people and names especially, despite how intelligent she is  and how easily she puts minimal detail together. She has a hard time  putting together her own emotions and feelings as well, and for it she  get's frustrated with herself quickly- though she had retained most of  her habit for keeping her feelings to herself, so you would never really  know.

Despite  being slow to share her emotions and personal feelings, she is a rather  rational person and easily sees the sense in asking for help when she  truly needs it- especially when it comes to her health. But she will do  her best to solve whatever issue arises all on her own, and exhaust all  possible solutions.

She  is very out of touch with the world and the people she knows and is  having a slow time adjusting to it all- and she feels no small amount of  guilt for straining the emotions of the people in her life, and  especially the ones with painful feelings regarding what happened to her  in the ten year time gap.


- Extreme Intelligence: Izaru is an incredibly smart individual and has mastered a number of  topics in a short time span, and is able to master new things in a very  small frame of time. While at UA she was the top student in the whole of  the school for grades, and she was able to keep ahead on her coursework  by a number of weeks. She is also able to organize details in a variety  of ways and form valid conclusions with ease, as well as solve any  number of sort of problems. Her intelligence accounts in part for her  ability to pick apart a situation or even someone's Quirk and make up a  plan of retaliation in little time at all.

- Hand-to-Hand Combat: With a Quirk that doesn't lend much to outright power or force, Izaru  relies on hand to hand skills along with her quick thinking. She was  taught to fight by her father for the bulk of her life, and remained an  expert in close quarters combat even through the ten year time gap under  Simon's influence. She uses his combat skills successively with a  number of tools at times, but the bulk of her time she relies on her  physical capability- and is very strong, as well as quick. Izaru was  able to effectively hold her own against an experienced Pro such as  Eraserhead, and continues to show an aptitude for close combat when the  need arises.

- Computer/Coding Expert: Izaru is a very capable computer programmer and has shown exceptional  skill hacking into any number of systems, disrupting security measures,  and compiling information. Inher time under Simon's influence she was  used to hack into a number of systems, transfer funds, find information  for blackmail, and lock down files for criminal organizations and  Villains. She's been able to leave no trace of her work, and there has  yet to be a system or firewall she cannot crack- making for a dangerous  cyber criminal. Even from a young age she set up a private notification  system called 'Danger Is Near', that even ten years later- was never  able to be shut down or hacked into..... and it goes further, when she  was ordered to hack into the infamous All For One's Computer Systems and  retrieve data from him in secret.

- Keen Perception: Thanks to both her Quirk, and her base intelligence- Izaru has  incredible observation and evaluation skills. She can easily evaluate a  situation, and even someone's Quirk and abilities- in order to quickly  create strategies for dealing with different types of enemies, disasters  and Quirks. She is hyper aware, more so than your average person, of  other people, how they react, and even how they are feeling at any one  time. She can pick up on tiny, subtle cues that most people would miss-  and even catch a small slip or detail that many might pass over as  nothing.

- Incredible Pain Resistance/Endurance: Izaru has suffered no small amount of pain through her life, and for it  she has a high pain tolerance. And due to the exhaustive nature of her  Quirk (which she cannot 'shut off'), she has evolved to have a high  level of endurance and can continue to function normally long after many  would have collapsed from exhaustion and fatigue. Because of this, and  her time  spent in the highstakes, life or death atmosphere at the Pit-  she can suffer major injuries and continue to fight, move and stay  focused and on point for an astounding amount of time before collapsing  completely.


- Cellphone: Izaru carries a cellphone with her at all times, and with it she's able  to browse the internet, contact others, connect to servers, write code,  and even use it to hack into a number of systems remotely. It was with a  cellphone she was able to download what little information was left  behind of what Simon wanted her to do, and also hack into security and  camera feeds at the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall- effectively letting  herself and Shigaraki escape with ease.

- Wire: While under the influence of Simon's Quirk, Izaru taught herself how to  use a small, light, portable tube filled with extra strength,  incredibly sharp lengths of metal wire. Using it she was able to easily  tangle targets up in the lengths, rendering them immobile and cutting  them instantly. She was also able to use this wire to propel herself  over obstacles and up to high places, and had a careful handle on how  tight the wire got around a target, and how much it was able to cut. At  the right angle and the right force, the wire was sharp enough to cut  through muscle- and could easily be used to kill someone.

--  Since arriving at UA she has augmented the wire so that it is only  sharp enough to cut when she wants it to be, and made sure to  incorporate and quick-cut release into the canisters so if the wire is  caught by something, she doesn't get dragged in by it. To help with  better control over the wire, she has also started to wear gloves with  reinforced metal plating sewn into them to keep from cutting her own  hands when using it.

- 'Breathe Easy' Gas Mask: To contend with what complications arose from the fatal injuries  received at the Pit ten years prior, when expecting to be involved in  any lengthy amount of time fighting or exerting a lot of physical  energy- a specialized breathing mask has been made for Izaru when out in  the field. The Mask was originally a gas mask, but it's been altered  and is self contained- when switched on and worn, it emits a an aerosol  containing corticoseteroids to keep her injuries and her lungs from  swelling too much that it hinders her ability to breathe. (It is near  the same medication she would take orally). There is a finite amount of  it however, and it only works to a certain extent- there is a limit on  how much it can keep her injuries from acting up, and if she passes the  limit, she can be in serious trouble.

- Tracking Bracelet: As per her Provisional stay at UA, she is in the custody of the School  and it's Staff- and as such, is confined to the campus. To make sure  she remains on the grounds, she has been given a non-removable Tracking  Bracelet that broadcasts her location to the phones of the UA Staff,  Principle, and the Police.


Power: 2/5 (D)

Speed: 3/5 (C)

Technique: 5/5 (A)

Intelligence: 6/5 (S)

Cooperativeness: 4/5 (B)


Hideki Izaru (Father)

Status: Deceased
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Blue
Quirk: Strongman

-  Hideki's physical attributes reached levels beyond the normal human  physique. He was significantly stronger than than most people, and could  exert a large amount of force with his hands and feet. He was also more  physically resistant to damage, and had a high level of endurance. This  Quirk allowed him to go head to head with a number of Pros with  different Quirks when he was training them.

-  Though tests showed that Aneko did not inherit her father's Quirk, she  does have a higher endurance than most people, just as he did.

Aneko  and her father were quite close- as to be expected, since Hideki was  the only Parent she had left, and had ever really known. Hideki  encouraged Izaru to learn everything she wanted to and gave her a great  deal of freedom in her early years, he was not strict with her, and had a  great deal of trust that she would take care of herself. He worried  about her, and what strain she experienced due to her Quirk- and he did  his best to help her with it. She grew up strong-willed and dependent,  and he trained her how to fight and to keep herself safe. Hideki owned a  Training Gym for Pro Heroes who weren't part of Agencies with enough  money to afford their own facilites, and he fought with and worked with a  number of Pro Heroes with ease. This ability to contend with different  people and Quirks in battles was passed on to Aneko, and paired with her  intelligence and the nature of her Quirk- has made her a formidable  opponent.

Hideki  stayed out of Aneko's personal affairs more and more as she entered  High School and came under the scrutiny and backlash of Danger Is Near.  She pulled away from him and he regreted letting their relationship  fade- more so after the events at the Pit. Following the Pit he became  familiar acquaintances with both Shota Aizawa and Hiszashi Yamada, and kept  contact with them for a long while even after Aneko was gone.

Keina Izaru (Mother)
Status: Deceased
Hair Color: Lavender
Eye Color: Blue
Quirk: Sixth Sense

Aneko  inherited her Quirk from her mother- and due to the nature of Sixth  Sense, there is a great amount of emotional and physical strain set on  the people who have it, and both Aneko and Keina experienced it. Aneko  has managed a way to handle the strain and the tension that comes with  her Quirk, and has shown to have an incredibly strong will to be able to  contend with it- her mother however, did not have the same willpower  and constitution.

Keina  was a very timid personality and she was easily affected by many  things. Her Quirk was an incredible burden on her and as she grew older,  she got to the point of no longer being able to live under it's effects  and how it made her feel. She became withdrawn and skittish, and drew  away from her husband and her newborn child. She suffered a number of  breakdowns and fell into a heavy bout of depression, and eventually she  could no longer take living with her Quirk- and was driven to suicide.  She died before Aneko ever grew to be a year old, and Aneko was left to  be raised by her father alone.

Aneko  never knew her mother, and there is little known about Keina. Her  father described Keina as a kind person who had a lot of compassion, but  she was also shy and quiet and had a poor constitution- unlike her  daughter.

Aneko  has lived with the fear that her Quirk will drive her insane, and to  the point of suicide just like it did her mother- and has lived her life  doing what she can to never let that happen.


Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Izaru  and Aizawa met one another their first year in UA- when failing to do  well on the Entrance Exam, Aizawa was placed in the same General Studies  class that Izaru was apart of. In the short few weeks that Aizawa was  in that class, he attempted not to get friendly nor close with anyone-  but because of Izaru's naturally friendly demeanor, he had little choice  but to talk with her and they quickly became familiar with one another.  And even after Aizawa was transferred to the Hero Course, Izaru still  kept contact with him and would spend time being in his class and around  him during breaks. Despite not wanting to make friends, Izaru became a  friend to him (she gave him little choice) and they kept up that  friendship through their first and second years of school. You could  often find her near to him, and their two other friends Nemuri and  Hizashi. And despite Aizawa grumbling about it, he and Izaru got along  very well and she never seemed to annoy him like everyone else had a  habit of doing eventually.

Izaru's friendship with Aizawa turned out  to be much stronger than either of them anticipated- and she trusted in  him, and thought of him in higher regard than he ever knew or realized.  They became quite close and she shared with him that she had a Quirk,  after spending her entire school career saying she was Quirkless, and  even admitting to him that she was the one behind, the then infamous,  Danger Is Near website. She talked to him quite a lot, and he learned  more about her and the 'real' Izaru than anyone ever had, or ever would.  She cared for Aizawa deeply back in their younger years and he grew to  care for her too- and more than he ever realized until she was gone. 

Part  of the reason that Aizawa is slow to let other people close to him is  because of what happened with Izaru. She was one of the few people he  ever got close to and allowed himself to open up and relax around- and  one of only three people he has ever considered truly being a friend. He  let his walls come down for her, and his heart left open- only to get  his feelings and his heart scarred when she went missing, and then  subsequently died saving him. 

Aizawa  proved to be fiercely protective of Izaru when they were both held  prisoner at the Pit, and he was gentle toward her when she was hurt. He  will never say so out loud, but what happened at the Pit, and what he  saw happen to her- it hit hard. Really hard, and feelings and ache from  that place and about her persisted into his adulthood. He felt guilty  over what happened and blamed himself for not pressing the issue of her  disappearance further- and was landed further guilt when she sacrificed  herself for him.

Since  her reappearing, and learning what happened in the ten years she was  'dead'- the reality of what awful things transpired weighs on him just  as heavily as the past does. He simply would never let anyone see how  much it all hurts, not on anything.

Now,  since Izaru joined UA, she and Aizawa are still on good terms with one  another. He's very conscious of her, and how she is feeling- and is  gentle and patient with her where he doesn't usually show such  tenderness with other people. He allows her to call him by his first  name with no argument, and he's promised to do what he can to help her  readjust, however she needs him. He's also proven to be concerned about  her and her well-being and is persistent about making sure nothing is  wrong- and when there is something amiss, he does everything he can to  make it right again (much to Izaru's annoyance at times...). 

Izaru  remains loyal to her friendship with Aizawa even after the passage of  years and the complications that came with it. She wants to keep a  relationship between herself and him, even if she is unsure how to do so  now and if it is even appropriate after so much bad has gone on. And  nowadays, even though being around or near anyone sets her on edge- she  seems comfortable around Aizawa more so than anyone else. Even so far  that physical contact between herself and him does not make her as  uneasy or tense as it does when in contact with other people.


Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Hizashi  became friends with Izaru not long after meeting her. It was his and  her mutual friendship with Aizawa that they were able to meet, and soon  become friends, and stayed friends during school- and even with them  being in two different courses, and all different classes.

Because  of Izaru's friendly and social personality back in school- she and  Hizashi got along very well, and she never seemed to get annoyed with  him or his exaggerated behavior. She handled him and his habits with  ease, and they found it easy to strike up conversations between each  other- and were content to simply be around one another. A large  fraction of their time seeing one another was spent with Aizawa, making  them a Trio that was frequently seen- and later a group of four when  they became friends with Nemuri.

Izaru  helped tutor him in math when his grades were slipping- and he grew to  love the generous, friendly and kind nature she had. Izaru and Hisazhi  never grew to be as close of friends as Izaru and Aizawa were- but they  both genuinely enjoyed being around each other, and Hizashi took his  friendship wit Izaru very seriously. He cares for her, and hates seeing  her in trouble, or hurt- and he's been hit hard learning what happened  to her in the ten years she was 'dead'. Since Izaru arrived at UA, what  has hit him the hardest is seeing how uneasy she is around everyone, and  knowing that the friendly and bright person he once knew isn't there  anymore. Its like the person he knew did die, and he wonders if she'll  ever be like how she was- but in the meantime he's worrying constantly  over her emotional and mental well-being, but he's not sure how to  help... Or even if he can.

He  knows that he and Izaru were never as close as she was with Aizawa- and  for that, he's not sure if he has any way of making thing better or  easier for her. He's also not sure if he knows Izaru all that well, or  if she really knows him that well either- and it surprises him to learn  that she really does. Izaru considered Hizashi a good friend in school  and even in adulthood- she still thinks of him fondly. She knows he's  something of a nervous wreck around her, and she's trying to find some  way to alleviate his worries. Hizashi still very much thinks of Izaru as  his friend, and she does too.

He's  very gentle with her, if a bit hovering- and he's quick to try and  lighten the mood if he feels the situation needs it. He's still unsure  of himself and how to help her, and sometimes even just be around her-  but he's trying his best, and Izaru knows it. She does what she can to  try and get him to relax a little, and assure him when she can.


Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
Izaru  and Nemuri became friends in the regular occasions of Izaru appearing  in Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nemuri's Hero Class while on breaks, at lunch,  or even just out of the blue. Because Nemuri had already latched herself  on to Hizashi and Aizawa both- she and Izaru were around each other  frequently and they hit it off. However their friendship really seemed  to solidify after Izaru saved Nemuri from injury in a training exercise  in their first year. Izaru, Aizawa, Hizashi and Nemuri have all been  friends since school and that friendship has persisted even in age. 

Nemuri  and Izaru's relationship is very easy-going and they get along well.  Things have always been content between them, and Izaru has never seemed  bothered with Nemuri's inappropriate behavior or lewd comments. Nemuri  is also a very 'touchy-feely' sort of person and lacks boundaries at the  best of times. Izaru never seemed bothered by that when they were  younger- nowadays though, the contact makes her uneasy and Nemuri has a  hard time remembering that. To Nemuri's credit, she is at least always  gentle.

Compared  with Aizawa and Hizashi, Izaru did not spend as much time with Nemuri as  she did with the former two. Despite this though, when they did spend  time together things were content between the two of them. Izaru is also  the one who suggested Nemuri try a thin, tear-able suit for her Hero  Uniform early on- and it was that idea that lead to the design of  Midnight's Hero Uniform.

Nemuri  seems to have handled finding out what happened with Izaru better than  Hizashi and Aizawa both. Though she does hate what Izaru has been  through- she's such better at being optimistic about how well Izaru will  be able to adjust to everything. She also hovers less than Aizawa,  Hizashi and Toshinori- and is the one among Izaru's friends who has been  treating Izaru the most 'normally'.


Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
Izaru  met the then fresh out of UA and not yet popular Toshinori in a chance  encounter in a local park in Kyoto. He was avoiding the training from  Grand Torino and bumped into Izaru- they started up a conversation and  their relationship blossomed from there.

What  started as a chance encounter- soon turned into friendly chit-chat, and  then bloomed into full on conversations on all manner of things outside  the realm of simple conversation. Toshinori was a friendly person by  nature, if a bit shy- but he usually didn't talk to strangers for  extended periods of time. With Izaru however, it was easy, and they made  an odd pair to be sure. He was quite a bit older than her, and usually  that age gap made it hard to hold in depth conversations- but with Izaru  it wasn't an issue. She was incredibly intelligent, and knowledgeable-  even mature. It was hard not to get along with her, and things between  them had always been so content even from that very first day.

Toshinori  found that she was rather fun to be around, and they poked fun at one  another with ease- he honestly, truly, enjoyed knowing her. And he was  genuinely happy for her when she told him that she'd been accepted into  UA even without having a Quirk, and she was never hesitant to lend him a  hand (small things, little things...) if she could, or throw a  suggestion his way. They talked about the things she'd seen other Pros  do at her father's Training Facility, and what he taught her- and Izaru  listened as Toshinori recanted what Gran Torino and Nana put him  through. 

They didn't  really see one another all that often, in the grand scheme of things-  but they knew each other well regardless. They usually ended up running  into each other in that same park they had met at, bumping into each  other on walks, they exchanged numbers and there would be the  occasional, short burst of conversation between them- small, but things  were familiar between them anyway. Fast friends, despite being on  different tracks, and in some ways living in completely different  worlds. A lot of the time though, Toshinori found himself forgetting  that Izaru was so much younger than he was, on different social levels  even- she always seemed so mature and so knowledgeable about the world,  about Pros, all of it.

He  really did enjoy what little time he spent around her, and he did miss  it when it grew to near nonexistence. Izaru stopped seeing Toshinori  that often when the trouble with Danger Is Near started getting to her,  and then became nonexistent after Izaru warned him something bad was  going to happen- and the day before Nana Shimura died. Like Hizashi,  Nemuri and most everyone else- Toshinori did not know that Izaru had a  Quirk, and only found out much later the gravity of the warning she had  given him about Nana.

He  feels guilty and regretful about what happened to her, and blames  himself for not being fast enough to save her getting killed back at the  Pit. Upon finding out about Simon, he realized that even with him as  the Symbol of Peace- there were still people out in the world doing  terrible things, and he hated that she had suffered at the hands of  someone like that. He feels its on him for not stopping Simon a long  time ago, and being unaware of the man for so very long.

Even  after everything, he trusts Izaru a great deal, and enough so it  doesn't bother him very much at all when he learns that she knows the  secret about his Quirk, One for All, and that Midoriya is his Successor.  And since Izaru came to UA, though things can be uneasy between them-  Toshinori seems much more open with Izaru than any of the other staff at  the school. Where he usually keeps from talking about his own life with  the other Staff, he has no issue talking to her about personal things,  and likes that he has someone who knew him before he became so famous.  Because in reality, Izaru knows little to nothing about the exploits of  'All Might'.

Izaru was raised by  her father as a single parent, after her mother died as a result of  suicide when Izaru was barely a year old. She had no memory of her  mother, and knows little about her mother since her father shied away  from talking about her. 

Izaru  was raised to be largely independent, and able to handle herself even  from a very young age. Her father trained her extensively in  hand-to-hand combat and taught her to be smart and how to defend herself  in the event she might one day need to. Because of this, she is  incredibly skilled as a fighter and she has the same mobility, agility,  and skill of most Pros- and she's good at critical thought and thinking  on her feet in intense situations.

She  taught herself to code and became quickly proficient at it- and has  proven to be one of the most skilled computer specialist in Japan.

Through  Elementary school she didn't live her life under the ruse of being  'Quirkless'. She warned her classmates and peers of incoming trouble and  explained why she knew- but they quickly turned on her and began to  blame her for the things that were going wrong. They refused her story  that her Quirk let's her sense bad things- but instead argued that her  Quirk instead brought mayhem wherever she went. This hit her rather hard  (given she was young and already unsure about her status and what gold  could ever come from a Quirk like hers), and seeing the hostility that  emerged despite her trying to help- she quickly decided it was better  not to try and explain her Quirk. So instead she began to tell everyone  she was Quirkless, and persisted with the lie all the way until her  second year of highschool.

Late  in middle school and near the start of her time at UA- she created the  Notification Site called 'Danger Is Near' where she would post warnings  about specific places of the city where her Quirk allowed her to know  something bad was likely to take place there. She made it anonymous, and  she set up security on the sight so strong that no one could hack into  it or trace its origin- not even ten years after the fact. 

Izaru  was accepted in UA's General Studies department, and the Principal  waved the 'Quirkless' Rule for her to enter. She had excellent grades  and remained the top of the whole school while there- she was often  weeks ahead in every class and she spent the bulk of her time helping  other students, departments, and tutoring people. She was well-liked by  everyone and there was little she was asked to help with or discuss that  she didn't have a good handle on. While she was here, she befriended  Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nemuri.

The  site Danger Is Near quickly grew in popularity when it became clear  that the Warning correlated to actual events that happened after the  warning was posted. It gained many followers and skyrocketed through the  next several months, and was talked about my many news and media  outlets. It was seen in mostly a positive light until a young boy died  in one of the sites there had been a warning about- prompting a call for  the person behind Danger Is Near to come forward, and many people  calling 'him' a Vigilante, and even a Villain. As tempers flared about  DIN, Izaru stopped posting as often and her friendly nature diminished  until she became sullen and even pulled away from her friends at school. 

In  her second year at UA, Aizawa confronted Izaru about having a Quirk-  and in fact not being Quirkless. She admitted to him she did, and  explained what her Quirk was- where after he came to the conclusion that  she must be the one behind Danger Is Near- and he was correct. Izaru  admitted never intending for things to get so out of hand, and that she  had nothing to do with the death of boy that set the fires about DIN  aflame. Aizawa told her to come clean to the police and the UA staff,  and she did- wherein she spent about a week being interviewed and  tested, and there was talk about moving her into the Hero Course.

Soon  after this however, she went missing. There was extensive searching for  her in the months afterwards, but nothing was ever found and no one had  any clue where she might have gone or why.

Two  years passed and Aizawa found Izaru again while on an undercover  mission as a Pro. He learned she had been kept captive for two years,  after having been snatched off the street and forced into an underground  Pit Fighting operation that forced people to fight to the death.  Despite being there for two years, and the nature of the fights- Izaru  managed to stay alive and never defeated any of the people she was  forced against by inflicting fatal wounds, or killing them. She had also  survived the most battles and been there the longest of any of the  other prisoners.

Despite  Aizawa's efforts and that of other Heroes- such as All Might- Izaru  suffered wounds that would prove fatal, and then was finally killed when  she jumped in front of Aizawa to spare him dying.

Sometime  between her body being moved from the hospital and to the funeral- a  Villain named 'Simon' took Izaru's body and had a Villain named 'Surge'  use his Quirk to shock her heart and her body back to life a number of  times until her injuries healed enough she would no longer die. From  then on the was placed under the influence of Simon's Brainwashing  Quirk, and used as a Mercenary under his authority for the next ten  years. She was ordered to hack into, and delete record of her DNA in  police databases, as well as burn off her fingerprints. She went under  the name 'Seer' and was used to hack into systems, transfer funds, and  all other manner of cyber crimes. The bulk of what she was compelled to  do by Simon is still largely unknown, however.


- She is left handed

-  She has a tattoo on the underside of her right wrist and lower arm. The  tattoo itself is a small section of notebook paper lines, and she often  she has notes written across her skin. She always carries a pen with  her for this reason.

- She has a multitude of  scars. The most distinguished are two on her left shoulder, two on her  lower left and right arm, one across her neck, and a very large one on  her back between her shoulderblades and shifted right a bit.

-  She has no fingerprints. Each fingertip has burn scars, from when under  the influence of Simon's Quirk, she was ordered to burn her  fingerprints off to help better conceal her idenity.

- She has a hidden talent for art. She's good at illustrations and drawings, but few people know this.




End Spoilers


Haven't read Sixth sense?

DIN-verse {My Hero Academia- Aneko Izaru}

Sixth Sense (Ongoing) 

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