Mortis's Comments

Oh and btw, are you only gonna take poker? Just askin cuz I cant really give the onigri.shrimp design anymore 👉🏻👈🏻 its okie if you wont take only poker tho, I understand! :D

Aa so sorry but I’ll have to decline since I lost interest in poker :”0

Oof writing it here cuz thatspace was too small and yes! Ill do Poker for this oc since I absolutely love them!! 💖 just tell me when to send her!

;0 are they still open??


I can offer an onigri-shrimp design worth 20$ for em! 💕

Could I see what the design looks like? 

Its in the "popular designers" folder! I can also add any other oc from any folder!

I really like Poker, would poker for this character work?

how much are you looking for?

Somewhere between 15-20 usd 

I can offer $20 USD

That sounds good, do you have PayPal?

Yep! dm me yours and I’ll send it over!