


4 years, 2 months ago



Hikari is someone who doesn’t really show her emotions too much. As pretty as she is, there are a lot of people that don’t approach her because of her apathetic expression. Those brave enough to talk to her are usually rewarded with a cold shoulder. This is just a front though, as she is afraid to be negatively judged for her true emotions, as she has been in the past. 

The only person that she really shows her emotions to is her gf, Krystal. The two have been together for years, and they live together in a somewhat-roomy apartment, where Hikari is free to show her emotions without worrying about judgment from other people. While Krys sometimes tries to get Hikari out of her shell a little more to other people, she knows that it’ll take a long time to heal, so she usually doesn’t push too hard. Hikari really appreciates it. 

Hikari is the brains. She keeps Krystal out of trouble (or at least tries to lol). Whereas Krys is reckless and a bit stubborn, and Hikari is left to pick up the pieces rip