


9 years, 3 months ago


✦ Yukas

Name: Yukas Matsui
Alias: Yu; UnwingedDevilYu, [UDY] (online)
Age: 16
Birthday: 10.01.
Gender: Male
Height: 1,67 m
Species: Human
World: Lleyn
OC Number: 010

Yukas is a very short-tempered youth. It's quite easy to anger him and once he starts to rant he won't stop in while - unless someone can distract with his passion: video games.

In his freetime, he records Let's Plays and uploads them as "UnwingedDevilYu". He even has his own little fanbase and some close friends thanks to that hobby.

✦ Design details to keep in mind

  • He has part-heterochromia in his right eye, similar to his parents who coincidentally both had it as well. As he doesn't want to be reminded of them though, he always covers his eye with his hair.

✦ Trivia

  • In Lleyn, his friends gift him a cat for his birthday. She was given the creative name "Yuka" by them as well. While Yukas thought about changing her name, he just couldn't come up with something better either and eventually just let it be.
  • Current worth: 2 USD

✦ Background

✦ Childhood

» Xxxx

When he was six, he waited for his parents to pick him up from school. As it was heavily snowing, the teachers wouldn't let him go home alone. He waited and waited - but neither his mother nor his father came. Shortly before the school was closing, he sneaked out and ran home. As he didn't have a key back then, he rang at the door - but nobody opened. He was very worried that his parents wouldn't let him in anymore because he had forgotten his math book home and got in trouble for that in school on that day and so he just sat down on the stairs and waited in the cold.
Fortunately, his uncle decided to visit his brother once again and found Yukas in front of the door. As he knew that they would never leave their son like that, he had a bad feeling and sent Yukas to his car to warm up while he and his wife would go inside the house. They quickly found out why nobody opened: his parents were both dead. It was later revealed by the police that his father first murdered her and then commited suicide - leaving their only son Yukas behind.

Ever since he lived together with his six years older cousin Ece at his uncle's home. He was mostly alone though as his uncle and his wife were often away because of their work and Ece mostly ignored him. His relationship with his cousin never really got any better...

With 15 he was able to move into an own little apartment rented by his uncle's wife.

✦ New Lives, Old Souls


✦ Old Lives, New Souls

» Main Design



✦ Relationships



[ Relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu rhoncus nibh, nec congue urna. Suspendisse porta, ligula nec tincidunt vehicula, tortor ipsum ullamcorper mauris, non mollis augue enim non ligula.



[ Relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu rhoncus nibh, nec congue urna. Suspendisse porta, ligula nec tincidunt vehicula, tortor ipsum ullamcorper mauris, non mollis augue enim non ligula.

Relationship chart taken from vom's coding and modified by me.