


4 years, 2 months ago


If selling sell to The1975 and discuss with him!

Name: RedStone (online name) Age: 22 Species: (Idk yet) Pronouns: they / them or he / him Likes: Pastel + goth appearel (esp the two together), friends, Minecraft Dislikes: typical shit like homophobia, anti-LGBTQ, all that jazz, They play Minecraft in their free time when they don't have to work at the cafe they work at or when they don't have college to worry about. They are in a server where players can choose between having a creative or survival game and he chose survival and has been on it for about year. In this server, he has an ocean monument that he drained of water and cleaned up to make his home. He knows how to use Redstone really well and often time people ask him to help with them, which he happily does. Outside of his video game life, Redstone works at his local cafe that he can literally walk to, so he's never late, or well shouldn't be. He usually works mornings to afternoon so he can have the rest of the day to himself. He has a friend, who is like a sister to him, named Melissa. She had trained him when he first started and during that time he had gotten close to her and befriended her.