Timothy Colton Dagger



4 years, 2 months ago


" "I exist to serve the Doctor ." "

Name Timothy Colton Dagger
Alias Tim/Colton
Gender Male 
Sexuality lennoxsexual
Age 26
Height 5'6
Class oddity
Occupation content


Timothy is adept at hiding his true feelings behind a carefully constructed façade of sweetness and innocence. He often presents himself as a sickly and vulnerable individual, seemingly helpless and in need of protection. This persona allows him to manipulate those around him, convincing them to underestimate his strength and intelligence. Despite his appearance of fragility, Timothy possesses a fierce determination and a willingness to endure immense pain, both physical and emotional. He enjoys the sensation of pain, often seeking it out in order to experience a sense of control over his own suffering. This dichotomy between his outward appearance and inner desires makes Timothy a complex and intriguing character.

After struggling to find a sense of belonging for most of his life, Timothy finally found purpose in being needed by the cult. He believed that his extreme masochism and immortality made him the perfect candidate for their death rituals, and he relished in the attention and importance they bestowed upon him. Despite the pain he endured during the rituals, he found a strange sense of comfort and fulfillment in his role within the cult. Timothy became deeply devoted to the cult and their god, and his loyalty knew no bounds. He would do anything to please his masters and to be seen as valuable in their eyes, even if it meant sacrificing his own well-being.

Design Notes
  • A cleft lip scare
  • large nose
  • daggers in legs
  • gauge nipple piercings

  • He is often seen carrying a small plush toy, which he uses as a comfort object
  • Timothy was tortured for years in a privately owned psychiatric hospital and has suffered from severe trauma
  • He has a photographic memory and is able to recall details with incredible accuracy
  • goes by Colton when in cult form
  • pain
  • being a brat
  • punishment
  • Timothy has a secret love of children's toys.
  • Lack of attention
  • Betrayal
  • Weakness
  • Boredom


Timothy Colton Dagger was born outside of Brookwell and was a part of an organization that bred noxiies to be sold as pets for rich humans. Despite passing the beauty standard, Timothy's face was deemed ugly by the organization, so he hid it from everyone. His childhood was relatively good, as he was sold to a wealthy human who collected oddity noxiie children and over-spoiled him. However, Timothy started showing signs of sickness, which caused his favoritism to wane, and his body began to change, becoming thin and sickly.

As Timothy fought with other children for attention, he threatened to blow the lid on the organization. The man who owned him then threw him into a privately owned psychiatric hospital, where he was tortured and traumatized for years. To cope with the trauma, Timothy started to enjoy the pain and associated it with love and affection. He eventually stopped causing trouble, and the man forgot about him until the organization was busted, and everything related to them was raided.

The man who used to own Timothy came personally to strangle him to death, but as he died, Timothy switched into his alternate form. The event sent a connection to Brookwell's deity, and the next thing he knew, he was floating on a river crossing into Brookwell. He had no memory of the time in between, and he was one of the only ones to arrive in Brookwell without a boat.

 Doctor Lennox   [master] 


 Lionel Holloway   [hate] 


 ericka   [BFF] 
