


4 years, 2 months ago


Working on updating profiles/giving their appearances a makeover! Old bio is saved temporarily in the spoiler below.

One of the most powerful demons, a seven deadly sin, Greed lurks around casinos and other locations that involve gambling, hoping to draw in greed-filled humans with his deals and later consume their souls. His offers are simple promises of riches and wins and more often than not, it is very easy to get a gambler to agree to such things. 

He is sly and due to his looks and behavior, he can come off as loony, though he uses this to his advantage as he is in fact extremely intelligent and an expert planner. He is also very sly of tongue being the greatest master of persuasion and his powers as a demon lord allow him to easily convince anyone to do anything.

He is cruel and swift to attack and very violent whenever he can be, his favorite weapons being playing cards which, when thrown correctly and with such force, can be deadly weapons.

It just so happens that members of the mafia are his favorite to prey on. Greed had made a deal with Gabriel, the mafia boss with a greed for winning, and as long as Gabriel never gave to others, his winning luck would never run out and Greed would continue to feed off of this. This is Greed's longest lasting contract and it is likely that it will not end anytime soon either, as Gabriel's need for money only grows.

More to be added,, WIP!

Race/species: Demon lord (Deadly sin)

- Demons: (following paragraph is a big WIP) Demons have their own particular hierarchy. The top high demon being Lucifer himself, then precedingly as follows.
The Seven Deadly Sins are demons who feed on the sins themselves, they are the highest and the most powerful.
Higher demons each take the form of a specific animal. They specialize in certain things such as trickery (foxes), lies (snakes), and so forth. They have the ability to make soul contracts. Many are not just well known but bear noble titles.
Normal demons can also make contracts and need to feed on souls to live. They specialize in specific emotions such as fear, hatred, etc. and feed off this respective emotion. Some can still bear higher titles.
Lower demons include those who run purgatory and etc. They constantly require to feed on souls to live and originated from bad spirits with unfinished business. Many others do not consider them "demons" at all and they are considered "highly disposable" by the Seven.

(WIP, still adding the full story)

Character relationships:

The Seven: As he spends most of his time among the human world instead of the demon realm, Greed doesn't really interact much with his siblings. The only time they truly saw all of eachother was on the Day of Wraith when the siblings were forced to work together to banish Envy after the demon had gone mad and become Wraith.

Vanity: Greed is closest to Vanity out of all of the demon siblings. Being the two oldest, they would spend a lot of time chasing their younger siblings and cleaning up after their messes. He and Vanity also have a shared enjoyment for dimension hopping between worlds. After The Day of Wraith, however, Vanity grew more distant from their siblings, even Greed. They haven't interacted much since then and though over the decades he has long since forgotten to check up on them, Greed still occasionally holds some concern for Vanity's wellbeing.

Lust: Due to their shared preference of bars as a place to lurk, Greed and Lust would occasionally run into eachother over the years and the siblings have spent a fair amount of time talking and catching up whenever they do so. Greed finds Lust to be an odd type so they never truly got along entirely, but they would likely say the same about him.

Envy: He and Envy were never on good terms and likely never will be. Greed was among those who talked down on him for being the youngest and the weakest and constantly played malicious tricks on his youngest brother. When Envy/Wraith went mad and attacked the others it was Greed who banished his brother to the alternate dimension and it was Greed who sealed the portal to make sure Wraith would never return. He is aware that wherever Envy is, that the demon must hold a grudge unlike any other against him and knows that one day the murderous Wraith will return and that when that happens he will not be able to win. But until then of course, he will make the most of his time.

Sloth: WIP

Gluttony: WIP

The Four Horsemen: The Seven Sins and the Four Horsemen have an eternal dislike for each other seeing as they are high-ranking demons and high-ranking angels respectively and both most certainly do not mix well. Greed has seen them in action many times and given that out of his siblings, himself, Lust, and Vanity are known for the particular time they spend in the human world and the havoc they wreak for the fun of it. The Four are constantly chasing after them as these particular members of the Seven tend to make their jobs impossible.

Death/Azrael: Greed has met the angel of death many times and out of The Four, he is aware of the power Death holds and it seems the angel is the only of his kind that the demon seems to show any form of respect for. Though in comparison, Azrael holds quite the dislike for Greed as his tendency with consuming human souls messes with the jobs of the reapers.

War: WIP

Famine: WIP

Pestilence: WIP

The Grim Reapers: WIP

Playlist: 🎵 | 🎵 | 🎵 | 🎵 | 🎵 | 🎵

Noteworthy features (and things to note when drawing):
- horns are optional- gold tooth is also optional- his left eye does in fact move in a spiral and tends to move faster when angry- his ears can "fan out"- his smile "curl" is an actual physical feature that leaves him with a permanent grin look on his face