Rycker Roullette



4 years, 21 days ago


referrers to himself in the 3erd person, Calls himself "papa, big papa, daddy." 

Generally full of chaotic energy

Rycker "Wolf" Roullette

The marshall of his division (still coming up with division names and how many lol)

He is Tenri's older brother (The Boy MC)

All around good dude. He has a good eye for the truth and a strong sense of justice.

He has strong family values and a close relationship with his mother.

Him and Tenri's Father was the marshall before he retired and Rycker took over.

They also have a younger sister, but i dont know if she will come up.


One of the 5 noble families, They lead a dynasty of powerful spirit arts, and swordsmanship. The Roullettes along with the Bylthborn have been heads of their companies for hundred of years.

Ryker is rather good at understanding people, it's easy for him to tell when someone is upset or hiding something, he often gives Tenri and others advice.

his girlfriend the 5th daughter of another nobel house of Ghoncheh. He was charmed by her hard working, good nature. She spoke eloquently, has an honest heart. He quickly fell for her and they started dating. Turns out his father had intended to have him in an arranged marriage. But Rycker being somewhat of a favorite child was able to convince his father to allow him to court her. 

He met his girlfriend when she transferred to his department, She was a military assistant (kinda like a secretary). 

Likes: His Family, Girlfriend, Bourbon, playing pranks

Hates: Paperwork