


4 years, 2 months ago


Lesbian prophet

Information listed is from when they're first introduced

Name: Citrine

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Sexuality: Gay  

Personality:  Citrine is a relatively nice dog. She enjoys helping others. However, she can be a little stuck up and is reserved. While appearing soft, she can be quite fiery and isn't afraid to tell you the truth, even if it'll get her in trouble. 

Family: Unnamed parents (alive)

Partner: Tremolite

Friends: Obsidian, Tremolite, Sapphire

Backstory:  Not much is known about Citrine's past. All that is known is that one day she showed up and set up shop, charging others in exchange of telling them a general idea of their future. 

Extra Info:

- Is a prophetess. When seeing the future, it works similarly to how nightwings can see the future if you've read Wings of Fire. Basically she can see the most likely future but it's not always accurate.

- Covers her eyes but they are all white with no visible iris

- It is said that if a prophet looks you in the eye, you will be cursed. Hence why Citrine covers them

- Tremolite "works" for her, but is really just a cover so they can be together

Characters in story: Citrine, Sapphire, Andalusite (2nd gen), Alvina (2nd gen), Brucite (2nd gen), Opal (2nd gen), Sophocles, Obsidian, Anhydrite, Tremolite

2nd gen characters are, you know, the generation after the 1st gen characters. 

There's about a 20~ year age difference between 1st and 2nd gen characters.