Ace Up The Sleeve



Name: Ace Up The Sleeve
Nickname(s): Aces
Age: 21
Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Parents: Pinkie Pie (Biological Dominant | Momma), Cheese Sandwich (Adoptive Father | Poppa), Discord (Biological Dominant), Capper (Biological Recessive)
Siblings: Licorice "Li'l Cheese" Cheesecake (Older Brother), Laverna (Triplet), Swift Velvet (Triplet), Strudel Puff (Younger Brother), Double Bubble (Younger Sister)

- Enjoys when called by their full name but doesn't mind nicknames
- Poker is their favorite card game, incidentally the one they're best at to
- Is basically mischief (not chaos) incarnate
- More introverted, doesn't enjoy high-key parties; prefers a lowkey casino type place

Talent: Card Playing
Occupation: Professional Gambler (aka Unemployed)
Cutie Mark: N/A

They and their siblings are the result of an experiment Discord wanted to preform. Discord wanted to see if he could create a child with three biological parents, enlisting the help of Pinkie (whom wanted another sibling for Li'l Cheese) and Capper (just kind of wanted to see what would happen). So Discord took his own, Pinkie's, and Capper's essence and fertilized a batch of three eggs in hope of having at least one viable child. All three turned out to be viable, however despite technically being the combination of three different sets of genetics it seems like only two remained dominant. Aces and their siblings live with Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich while Discord and Capper remain on the sidelines as uncle types who visit as much as possible with gifts from various lands and dimensions.