


4 years, 22 days ago



Name Saelva
Gender Non-binary (AMAB)
Age 24
D.o.B. 6th of Frostfall (The Tower)
Height 1.68m
Build Athletic
Race Winged Twilight
Role Adventurer
Demeanor Friendly
HTML Wicked


"I'm here to show that not all Daedra are inherently evil!"

Saelva is a Winged Twilight Daedra, born to two distraught Dunmer parents after they were unable to birth children for several years. They made a pact with Azura for a child but didn't expect one of her messengers to be the child they wished for.

Saelva is a nice guy, however if rubbed the wrong way, he will hunt you down to the end of the world. He is very patient and loves helping out people when able and doesn't seem to mind the wary looks he gets when walking around.

Traveling trough Skyrim has left Saelva confused and conflicted, other people want nothing to do with him due to his Daedric nature, yet he has never done anything to harm someone on purpose. Locals often just assume he is around on business for a Daedric Prince and avoid him, or drive him out of the city by trying to kill him.


  • He occasionally switches between masculine and neutral pronouns.
  • His wings are too small to properly support flight. He mostly uses his wings for emoting and extra emphasis when talking.
  • He is actually really insecure about his wings and doesn't like talking about them. He has no idea why they're like this.
  • Saelva is deaf in his left ear.
  • He really likes dragons and thinks they're the coolest shit ever. His dream is to one day befriend a dragon.
  • He still obeys most of the binds summoned Daedra obey to. However he still has his free-will as he is not a full Daedra. In a way he is also affected by banish Daedra spells, sending him away to another part of the world, rather than a Daedric realm. He can also be summoned trough magic if needed.
  • He likes collecting the various amulets and necklaces people have of the Aedra. It's unknown if he does it simply because he likes collecting them, or if he has another purpose for them.
  • Saelva is terrified of Altmer, having had some unpleasant run-ins with them and their Thalmor faction. Each time trying to trap and contain him, and barely getting away with his life. They have tried several times to mark him with DX. #409237. Thankfully for Saelva, he heals rather quickly and this mark fades within a few weeks.
  • His favorite color is Fuchsia.