


4 years, 5 months ago



Name: Lyra
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: 

Personality:   Energetic, outgoing and fun-loving.

More info: An alpha born and raised in the epsilon territory, meaning she is most accustomed to their culture. She was raised by a single mother, who had adopted her from an orphanage when she was just a tiny kitten. She was always a bright and happy kid, always talking to people and making friends.
Lyra was born with a mutation, a tail that no popfloss like her should have. Her eyes though mostly resembling normal candyfloss have a strange white to them. She also has five fingers in each of her four hands. These traits, that some say are what the ancient candyfloss used to have, have granted her both admiration and weird looks, though she personally quite likes her uniqueness.

When she was old enough she decided to travel to Alpha territory to see where her clan lives, meeting her roots. That was the first time she had visited a bigger city too and fell in love with the fast moving phase of living. She got a lot of attention for her features and was invited to become a model for a small-ish magazine called στιλβώ (stilvó) means Glaze, which she agreed to. She has been a cover girl in multiple issues and there are also pictures of her modeling some outfits or commercials.

After living in one of the Alpha cities she decided to leave modeling and became a flight attendant. She gets to travel a lot of Caramellia during her job and is often staying at tourist locations. She  loves meeting new floss so travel is a great way for her to do so.
During her free time she likes to go out clubbing, dancing gives her energy and drinking and having fun with some new people is always fun.

She very much enjoys science-fiction stories and one of her secret wishes is to be able to work on a space shuttle or ship one day. She knows this is rather outlandish and likely never to happen in her lifetime, but she can daydream

Style of choice:  Space themes and galaxy patterns, skintight, black.


-Grandfathered design-


  •   Dancing
  •   Music


  •   Early mornings


  • Her tail swings from side to side when she is excited and droops down when she is sad, or puffs up when she is angry