God (Yaldir)



4 years, 2 months ago


Also known as Yaldir, God of the Known World, or Halle Hildegard. Fell from Heaven of her own volition. She/her. 

In the past, she was emotionally crippled. She treated those close to her flippantly, and this only worsened when she created humans. Lucifer, who loved her dearly, realized she loved humans more than she loved him, and this hurt him so deeply that he revolted against her. He fell from Heaven with many of his fellow angels, vowing to punish Yaldir by punishing her beloved humans and creating Hell. Yaldir, stricken with guilt, inevitably decided that her atonement would be to drown herself in her creations on Earth. That also meant abandoning her responsibilities and those who revered her, but she was willing to give that up. 

Yaldir is the only being that can create angels, who can only become demons if they fall from grace. Although nobody knows where she is, including her subordinates, they have adapted to her absence. The truth is, she's currently still on Earth. Although she doesn't have a favorite place, she likes spending time in large groups of people. By human labels, she is aro/ace, but is very kind and loves everything she has created. 

Her powers are technically boundless, but since she sees beauty in all aspects of human life, she refuses to use them to perform miracles. She most often uses her powers to create sanctuaries, which are places of healing and can heal any physical wound. They disappear over time, however, so unless she is still near, it won't stay for long. Not much else is known about her, including what her human forms look like. When she is nearby, living things tend to be lush and thriving. You will feel warmth bloom through your body when talking to her.