


4 years, 5 months ago


NAME: Raven (no last name)

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Human-Dragon Hybrid

BIRTHDAY: August 23rd

HEIGHT: 6 foot

Basically the living embodiment of that meme with the knife pointed at the cat. She is the cat.

Positive traits
- Witty
- Adventurous
- Resilient
- Positive

Negative traits
- Overconfident
- Clumsy
- Not very open (doesnt tell people when something is bothering her)
- Not great at reading others (sometimes can't how other people are feeling, shes very bad at detecting crushes)

Raven's Story~ Raven was born in the 'dragon mountains' and became half dragon because of an accidental spell that was cast by her father (who has yet to be assigned a name) she was unused to having dragon features, which is why she's so clumsy.

Raven's mother came from a settlement on the edge of the nearby forest. There, they believed in killing dragons on sight, and that the chief would be the village matchmaker. Of course, Raven's mother was paired with a jerk, so she ran away, to the dragon mountains. There, she met a wandering dragon mage who had recently set out to find a life for himself.

They decided to shelter together, and fell into conversation. They decided to spend several more days there, and Raven's mother started to cosy up the cave so she could live there. Days turned into months, and she discovered she was with child.

Raven was born, and the accidental spell was cast when Raven's father was mixing a potion. It was irreversible. Raven's mother didn't care though. By this point she loved Raven's father too much.

However, the villagers had set out to find Raven's mother, and decided to shelter in a cave for the night. However, a huge dragon barred their way, and they decided, of course, to kill it. When Raven's mother found this out, she collapsed on the ground, sobbing.

The villagers took her, but on the way home they had to ford a river, and she threw herself in. Being tied up, she couldn't swim, but she said "I would rather die than live without __".

Raven was found by her uncle, two hours later. (he's not related by blood) He had gone looking for his younger brother, and when he found him dead, looked inside the cave, where he found Raven. He took her home.

He pretty much handed her over to Eskar and Draconiss (her legal guardians) and they took care of her, teaching her all she needed to know about the human world. They then enrolled her in Triplestar academy of magic because hey look they're teachers there and theyre also good friends with the principal and she needed human education anyway.