


4 years, 1 month ago



Name Wayne Singleton
Called Wayne
Age Adult
Gender Male
Race German Shepherd mix
Role content
Demeanor Gruff, distant, impulsive
Theme Song link


  • Books, especially mystery and nonfiction.
  • content
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Waynes life began in a small, stifling town where secrets festered like wounds. Born to a troubled family, his childhood was marked by an absence of love and stability. His father was an abusive alcoholic, prone to fits of rage, and his mother, worn down by the years of turmoil, retreated into her own world of depression. Growing up in such a volatile environment, Wayne learned to build walls around his emotions. He became a silent observer of the world, seeking solace in solitude and introspection. Books became his refuge, offering an escape into a world of words where he could briefly forget his harsh reality. The one glimmer of warmth in Wayne's life was his high school sweetheart, Lily. She was his anchor, a beacon of light in the darkness that surrounded him. Their love was intense, passionate, and all-consuming. Lily was his sanctuary, the one person who made him feel like life could be worth living. But as they say, the brightest flames burn the fastest. In their senior year of high school, Wayne's world unraveled when he discovered that Lily had been cheating on him. There were instances that felt "off" to him before he confirmed it. Sometimes she stared at her phone a little too long, sometimes she stayed at work longer than seemed necessary. One night, he left work early to find her at home with her lover in their bed. The betrayal was a dagger through his heart, shattering the one source of happiness he had ever known. Wayne's simmering anger and jealousy consumed him. He confronted Lily that moment, the argument escalating into a violent, emotional whirlwind. In the heat of the moment, a surge of uncontrolled rage overtook him, and he committed a brutal act that he struggles to regret.

When the authorities arrived at the scene, they found Lily's lifeless body, her murder a gruesome testament to the depths of Lily's despair and anger. Next to her body, Lily's lover laid, also lifeless, stabbed and torn apart even worse than she was. Wayne was arrested on the spot, his hands stained with blood. There was no contesting his crime. As he was led away to begin his prison sentence, Vincent's face was a mask of unrelenting stoicism, his emotions buried deep beneath layers of guilt, anger, and heartbreak.

In prison, Vincent became a distant and gruff man, a shadow of the person he once was. The harsh reality of his actions weighed heavily on him, and the guilt of taking a life, even in the throes of passion and betrayal, gnawed at him. He constantly struggled with the morality that he killed someone and the feeling that he deserved revenge. He withdrew into himself, a prisoner not only of the physical bars that surrounded him but also of the emotional prison he had built to shield himself from the pain of his past. He spends most of his time working out, making deals, and making money. With a life sentence, he will never see outside his prison bars. Instead of feeling like he can make himself better, he adapts to prison life and lives in that mindset: each day at a time, watching his back, playing a game he never thought he would.

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