Darth Vindictus



4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Volla Flar


Ranges but, her story carries from 17-29, this image is 24 which is way too young for a sith lord but circumstances.


Newly crowned Sith Lord and upcoming badass


Taken in by the old republic, Volla Flar grew to become a powerful, if rash, Jedi knight.. she was influenced by master Revan to push for a strike on Mandalore, which resulted in her excommunication from the council by a tortuous force break method, shattering her connection to the force and leaving here weak and in an almost amnesiac state.

After nights of confused wandering and binging, She found herself under the guidance of the hidden Darth Traya.. eventually not only finding her connection to the force.. but discovering her new path towards the dark side 

After taking revenge on the council, and proving herself by destroying both sides of an ongoing war.. Traya revealed herself and forced Volla Flar to fight through the horrors of the broken Mandalore.. 

Volla Flar struck her beloved master down.. as the ways of the sith were, and was crowned the title of Darth Vindictus

Now with a ship, a droid, and a plan.. Vindictus sets towards the outer rim to stake her place in the galaxy as ruler..