Mr. Stardust



4 years, 5 months ago


"Mr Ziggy Stardust", an obvious alias but with no record of his real  name.  He's smooth and suave, with quite the confident ego that rivals his  ability to flirt, Ziggy is able to slip out of any possible trouble he  might run into. Because trouble seems to always find him one way or  another, he tends to keep to himself most of the time.

Ziggy comes from a distant kingdom by the name of Jalia - a very  democratic and peaceful kingdom with close relation to the stars. The  royal family that rules it, The Solistelluna family, have reigned over  Jalia with a gentle but firm fist for as long as many can remember.  Although he will never admit it for precaution, Ziggy is one of the  Solistelluna - the "starchildren". And while not in the position of  "next to rule" as he is a half starchild, he is still of royalty and  respected as such, though the family had never pushed any elitist views  on their people. For anyone that would know of Jalia's royal family, it  would be easily assumed that they had lived a life of luxury and peace  in their kingdom. 

 But Ziggy is... not so sure. There seems to be a large gap in his  memories at some point in his early years. He doesn't know what happened,  where he was, who there... Nothing. The only thing he remembered is to  run and to continue running. So that is all he has been doing. For a long time now, Ziggy has been on  the run, traveling between towns and cities and planets and realms,  never staying in one place for too long. He sometimes returns to some  places, and cannot resist stopping by the kingdom of Jalia to greet his  kin, Queen Juna, but it is never expected nor frequent for him to do so.  
Not when this unnamed danger seems to try to follow him wherever he  goes. He can't risk his family and home.  He's not even sure who or what is chasing after him. He feels they may  have something to do with what happened to him in that gap of lost time,  since they starting searching for him soon after he could remember  again. And there have been strange humanoids in dark robes following him  around. Who are these beings? Some strange cultists? Fanatics? Regardless, Ziggy doesn't know, nor does he plan to find out.