


4 years, 5 months ago


Full name: Didrirk Dracodon

Nickname(s): Dirk, Mumble

Species: "Sneezing Daggertail" (Silicobra + Seviper + Arbok + Nidorino)

Type: Poison/Dark

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Ability: Intimidate

Nature: Timid



- Contrary to his fearsome looks, sharp bladed tail and several poisonous quills across his body, Dirk's general demeanor is that of a timorous serpent that would rather hide than expose himself and risk scaring others away with his presence alone.

- As such, he tends to avoid visiting cities, crowded places and just try to be as unremarkable as possible - a hard thing to achieve when you're a 4m long snake with bright markings that only serve to intimidate any would-be threat.

- However, he doesn't really enjoy being alone either and only does so when needing to: when hunting, sleeping off the torpor of a meal or simply too anxious / overwhelmed to deal with other Pokémon.

- Has little in the way of showing emotions, in part due to his features appearing to be stuck in a permanent smug smile, low and monotone voice, limited body language and also the hood and goggles he so often wears in public. So peers had at times mistakenly thought of "cold" and "bored of them"

Physical traits:

- Dirk's build is closer to a Silicobra's or an Arbok's one, with a long, somewhat slender body and a wide hood around his neck that makes his head look larger than it is.

- This hood is formed by two large poison sacs located on the sides of his throat and nape and connected to his nostrils, from where he can shoot a highly toxic fluid to foes and prey alike with the aim of blinding and poisoning them.

- His red fangs the quills across his spine and the blade on his tail can also deliver the same noxious substance. Only the dark spikes on his ears and nape are innocuous.


- Broke his horn sometime after turning 20. How it happened is a mystery Dirk doesn't seem keen on revealing to anyone else (not even to his only friend Glacie, to her surprise)

- The only chance where he wouldn't wear his hood and goggles is when truly and completely sure he's alone.