


4 years, 20 days ago


Aloeus, otherwise known as the "Giant Seraph"

This colossal being cannot be found in almost any world, but rather between them, as he prefers to be alone (and what better away from any in-world inhabitants, than outside of their worlds?)
Despite that, though, he has accepted taking on a role of "protector" to the worlds around him, ensuring they are guarded by any dangerous threats.

He does not speak very much, and his words are very slow and stretched, but his voice is soothing and even kind in a way, and those who do hear him rather enjoy him and his company and wisdom, despite how he might feel about them. 

Some abilities he has include being able to summon multiple hands, changing his size (though very rarely; he likes being the giant self he currently is), as well as traveling between dimensions (he doesnt like doing that either), and other things!

If you find yourself in front of the Seraph of his Stature, listen to what he might have to say, and then be on your way.