🌺 | Mellow



4 years, 2 months ago


!! this oc is a wip :) !!









  • lavender
  • acorns
  • the smell of vanilla
  • cupcakes
  • sunrises
  • clouds
  • sleeping
  • kits
  • stories
  • being alone
  • being around complete strangers
  • cucumber
  • bugs
  • sad endings
  • transphobes, homophobes, racists, and so on. anyone who hates on those just living the life they have to, proud of it or ashamed.


  • mellow is almost always anxious, terrified or hiding somewhere.
  • the flowers in her fur are random, but remain in similar areas each time.
  • she naturally has big eyes, and they get even bigger when she's panicky; which is most of the time anyway.
  • she's only comfortable with dani, when asleep or when surrounded by people she knows.
  • mellow tends to follow her friends around everywhere, and as annoying as they find her, they don't want to crush her spirits and cause her even more anxiety by telling her to go away. she's aware she is annoying, but can't help it.
  • her bell can be replaced by a variety of different charms, bells and labels; feel free to use your imagination
  • she has a big fuzzy tail.
  • one of her ears is folded, the other one is slightly crooked, they don't have pointed tips and are rather large.
  • her hair can droop over her left eye.
  • she's rather short and squishy, her fur is short, but soft.
  • the flower on her shoulder isn't there on the other side. everything else is symmetrical.
  • she doesn't always need tears in her eyes, but i like the look of it so it would be epic.

mellow is a lovable feline with a big heart, she tries her best to be social, and never feels comfortable alone; she's full of anxiety, but will hide it and worry in her own time; she clings to others, and will follow friends around like a lost puppy.

although she has her insecurities, she won't hesitate to defend a friend, even if she can't find the strength to defend herself. she takes care of her weaker friends, and tries to befriend anyone outside of the 'popular' people.


born to two loving parents and a protective aunt, mellow was rather confident in her childhood, that was until she was playing with a friend, she was dared to run across a road, to prove she wasn't a 'scaredy kit', halfway across, a car hit her and she was flung into the bushes. dani discovered her and alerted their parents, concerned for her sister and unable to hold back her emotions.

her friend fled the scene swiftly after the accident, and was later found mauled to death by a fox, mellow had a broken leg for a little under a year, and although it's fixed, it still doesn't feel like it used to. other than that, she experienced some more major and minor wounds, of varying degrees. since then, she has never gone out alone, and has developed one of the most serious cases of anxiety and ptsd ever recognised. dani got over it, but mellow never did and it kept getting progressively worse, until she became afraid of the smallest of things.

mellow's aunt freaked out at her niece's parents for not keeping an eye on her, causing her father and aunt to fight. whilst dani stayed back to try and break the fight up, and to defend her father, her mother ran away with mellow to protect her, and to leave the area; it had caused too many bad memories for both of them. her father eventually tracked them down and forgave his mate for fleeing. a year later, her mother came out as lesbian and her father wasn't bothered by it, he stayed close with her and supported her in her decision to become mates with mellow's step-mother. dani was unsure of it at first, but got used to it after some explanations.

the family now live together in a band of cats, which keeps growing due to mellow's social personality. though she has her fears, she knows dani, and her other friends, won't ever let anything happen to her again.


mellow's sister, and best friend. the two are very close, and mellow doesn't like being anywhere without her. dani finds mellow the only person she can bear to be around all of the time, she's rather protective of her 'little' sister. mellow could never be more grateful for her.


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