


4 years, 2 months ago


Lucifer is the demon of Pride, and currently the Emperor of Hell. He is a rank above the six Princes, in both status and power, and his presence influences those around him to be consumed by narcissism and pride. His human name is Lucile, Lucy for short. 5'10. He/him. 

Lucifer was Yaldir's first angel and spent the most time with her until she fell in love with humans, and that love overshadowed his relationship with her. Jealousy and rage consumed him, beginning his campaign against Yaldir and inevitably inciting his fall from Grace. He didn't fall alone, either—he persuaded many other angels to rebel and fall with him. Looking to inflict the same pain he felt onto Yaldir, he created Hell out of spite, an alternate place for mortal souls to go that is the opposite of Heaven, made to punish both them and her. From there he built an empire and a web of subordinates, including the six Princes of Hell, the rank just below his own in strength and influence, and the only other demons he has a personal connection to. The job of a Prince is to influence mortals to sin or make contracts with them, and reap souls from Earth by force,

Lucifer is a very busy man, since as well as running Hell, he also is the sole proprietor of BlackJack Island, a small island off the Eastern coast dedicated entirely to one city comprised of casinos, clubs, and hotels, and utterly crawling with demons. He runs this island as his persona Lilith, which is a tribute to a fallen Prince, Asmodeus. The island is known to be a risky place if you're a mortal with a soul, because mortal souls are a popular currency there. He's technically gay, but it's so hard to get into his pants bc of his ego that you'll either lose interest after talking to him or he will refuse to sleep with you because you don't meet his impossible standards. He's so rarely seen that you may only see him once in your lifetime, unless he's taken an interest in you, which is not a good thing.