Bandit (Hosekiko)



4 years, 1 month ago


Name:  Bandit
Name Meaning:  
Asshole, Baby (affectionate), Bastard, Fluffball

Semi-long, scruffy, and soft; Lighter dust-brown with a large, mousey-brown section in the middle (where his head marking is in cat form)
Light green-yellow
Ears are a dark mouse-brown, while his tail is the same as his hair (dust-brown) with a cream-gray underside and dark mouse-brown stripes
Stocky, relatively short


Gem Properties:  N/A
Gem Shape:  
Rough edges (Heart-shaped)

Personality:  Bandit is a stubborn, bossy, arrogant bastard. He likes to do what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants, and goddammit will he. However, around his "mom", he as an absolute sweetheart, being loving, affectionate, and all-together a mama's boy.

Background/History:  He was happy. All he'd ever known was love, warmth. In the house he grew in, with his parents, aunt and uncle, grandmother, great-aunt, and siblings, not to mention the humans who cared for him... It was all he could have ever wanted. When he got sick at two years old, he thought that was it, that it was his time. He couldn't walk, couldn't eat. But the eldest child, she saved him. He remembers her tears, her sobs, the first few times she had to bottle-feed him, the way she pried his mouth open to put the dropper in his mouth. The way she shook and held his body close to her, whispering how she loved him, pleading for him not to go. He didn't know it at the time, but those moments would forever stay in her mind.
Alas, she couldn't spend every second with him, and one day, she left; something she'd done almost everyday before his sickness. He could sense the reluctance, the fear in her as she left the house. After a bit, he shakily got to his paws; maybe she'd be happy when he greeted her at the door? Finally standing?
His assumption was right. When the brunette walked through the door to seem him standing there, she broke down into sobs, crashing to her knees and petting him, scolding him and praising him in the same breath. From that point, he got better, got stronger, regained his weight. From that moment, he was hers, and she his. They were practically attached at the hip, him following her around like a lost puppy. Sometimes, he'd ask her to hold him, making a quiet noise to attract her attention, then waiting for her to tap her collarbone, the signal for him to jump up. Bandit remembers how he loved that, being held for a few moments, her soft voice and heartbeat soothing him. Life was good, life was perfect.
Until it wasn't.
Again, his health declined. It'd been years since his last time, his human now her Junior of highschool, was hit with the fear from before. Because, this time, he wasn't getting better. He knew he wasn't, too. As he grew weaker and weaker, the girl grew more fearful. Until, one day, as she brought him to where she fed him kitten milk, it finally hit her. Bandit stumbled, lost his balance, and could not stand. He wouldn't drink. He couldn't. She gathered him in her arms, sobbing, apologizing, whispering how she loved him. Oh, how he wanted to reassure her, tell her that it wasn't her fault -- he'd never truly been the definition of healthy, so it was all a matter of time. He wasn't sure when she moved into the livingroom, laying on the couch with him on her chest, but he was grateful. It was much more comfortable, and he good look at her, make eye contact.
He hoped his silent words got across to her. I love you. Thank you.
More time passed, and he was given to another. He didn't like it, not at all. Weakly, he cried, wanting his mom. And then she was there, holding him again, apologizing over and over, assuring him that it was okay, that he could let go.
He didn't want to let go. Not yet, not yet! How could he leave her alone?
When, at last, she was preparing for sleep, he was laid on a pillow beside her. He remembers the stroke hitting him, remembers her reaching over, trying to help, to soothe him... Remember biting her finger, to the bone, by mistake. He remembers her tears, the pain for her unbearable -- both mentally and physically. He knows she didn't blame him, because she came back, petting his fur and whispering to him again.
He hung on to life, waited until her breathing became even, waited until she was asleep. Only then did he close his eyes, resigning himself to his fate...
And then he woke up, all the pain from before gone, and in a different body, a different world. Confused and elated, Bandit scrambled to his feet, stumbling around as he tried to understand how, why, he was changed. He found a nearby creek and looked in it, shocked at his human features. He looked... Similar to her, almost. Except for her ears, and the gems barely peaking out of from the fluff, and his tail, it's own heart-shaped gem embedded in it. He was in awe, tears welling in his eyes. He had to find her, and to tell her everything that he never could. He willed his voice to work, managing a soft, raspy whisper.
It took him a year or two, he's not sure. His tattered pants and shirt were eventually traded out for actual clothes, and a dark green jacket. In that time, he'd also learned of his magic, shapeshifting, and how to perfect it. When, at last, he found himself in a familiar area, he scoured his brain, trying desperately to remember how to get back home. He'd never been outside, only ever a few car rides, but...
When he reached the street, he knew he was homebound, and he couldn't wait. Running, he tore down the dead-end street, excitement bubbling his his chest. He was going home, he was going home!
A few houses before he reached the door, he felt himself shift, taking form of the cat she'd known him as, and leapt onto the wooden porch.
He paused, panting and confused. That was new.
Regardless, he yowled, scratching at the door. Deep barks emanated from within the house, and a sharp yell for them to shut up followed, as well as footsteps. Then an open door, then-
It was her, it was really her!! Making a noise similar to the one he'd made so long ago, he watched as she almost instinctively tapped her collarbone, and he leapt into her arms. She froze, holding him close to her heart, unable to process. He knew she knew. He knew she knew who he was, though he didn't know just how much it hurt.
"Bandit? I... You died, how?...." Her voice was a choked whisper as she clutched him tighter, cradling him like he was her lifeline.
Maybe he was. As she stepped back into the house, Bandit took note of the wall-less look. And the two giant dogs that looked over him excitedly. The older one recognized him, confusion alight in his golden eyes. The younger, lankier one, did not. He was new. It took all her might to keep the pup from jumping up and burying his face into the cat's fur, excitement in his rapidly-wagging tail.
She yelled her sister's name, the youngest human in the house, and the dirty-blonde reluctantly came out of what Bandit assumed to be their room, grabbing the pup -Dak, he heard them say- and allowing the eldest to rush into the bathroom.
This room hadn't changed, the same tiles and everything. Placing him down on the floor, his human looked him over, breaking down into sobs. She didn't even bother touching the gems in his ears and tail, fearing they may break whatever magic brought him back to her.
"I've missed you so much, I thought I lost you forever, oh god how are you here, is it really you?"
Her words were choked, pouring out of her like a waterfall. He merely walked closer, snuggling into her side and purred. He could show his new form later. All he wanted to do now was bask in her comfort. He was home.


- Definitely pushes the boundaries around species lore
- Based off my irl cat, Bandit, who died
- History is very much what happened, save for (obviously) the revival and return

Traits Used:  
-Cat [Mackerel Tabby] (Common)

-One Gem [Aquamarine] (Common)

-Both eyes different from gem (Rare)

-Patterned Tail/Ears (Uncommon)

-Shapeshifting Magic (Legendary)