Ryan O'Connell



7 years, 5 months ago


NAME: Ryan O'Connell AGE: 26
SPECIES: Human BIRTHDAY: October 28th
GENDER: FtM Transgender SEXUALITY: Gay



Ryan is a man of his word. If he says he'll beat the crap out of you, he will. He hates being called a child or teased about his height. He packs a nasty punch and isn't afraid to face someone head on even if they're much, much taller than him.
Needless to say, Ryan has some anger problems. He vents out his temper by pacing around, painting and drawing, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee, also occasionally lashing out at random walls. He usually gets into fights with his younger brother, Felix . It's a brotherly feud, finding the smallest little things to get into fights.
Ever since he went to that coffee shop on campus his head has been spinning with thoughts of the Barista/Owner of the place, Damien Bryant . Despite Ryan's hard exterior, he felt like Damien was seeing through him, making him feel vulnerable for the first time ever.

Ryan was 16 when he realized he was transgender. Ryan's little brother, Felix was the first to know that he wanted to transition. Seeing it coming a mile away, Felix supported him and was happy to call him his big brother. Then he came out to his boyfriend at the time and he broke up with Ryan on the spot. Scared and alone with only his little brother to support him Ryan being determined to do what was best for him was to come out to his parents. Ryan's mother was more open-minded than his father. It didn't take long for her to start calling him by his preferred name and pronouns. His father, on the other hand, took it as a violation of his beliefs. Not accepting Ryan at all and purposely always misgendering him and calling him by his birth name. Outraged Ryan's mother left her husband for not accepting his son's decision. Needing his parent's consent to Transition, Ryan didn't get what he wanted until he reached adulthood. Ryan lost all respect for the man he called his father and vowed never to see or speak to him ever again.

At 18 Ryan started Hormone Replacement Therapy. A year later he had Top Surgery and later after that a Hysterectomy and a Metoidioplasty. Things were going smoothly until Ryan tried seeking romantic relationships. Being rejected left and right by gay men because of the fact that he wasn't a cis man.

Ryan went to college to study art at the age of 22. Things were going well. He finally got the love he wanted. When the main teacher left on maternity leave a substitute teacher took over his art classes. Ryan got attracted to the charismatic substitute and the Teacher took an interest in Ryan abnormally fast as well. A month later the man asked Ryan on a date in which Ryan happily accepted.

The date didn't go as Ryan planned.

!Trigger Warning!
The man took advantage of Ryan. Making his life a living hell for that night. He beat him, cut him, violated him, and told him that he'd never be a man no matter what he did. He told Ryan he'd never find what he's looking for because he was filthy and would never be loved by anyone. Ryan was left in an alleyway that night and was found by someone hours later. He was brought to the hospital where he was taken care of. He felt filthy like the man had told him.

The man who did that to Ryan was sent to jail for what he did that night. Ryan moved away that month with his mother and brother. Leaving his dreams and everything behind. Ryan fell into self-mutilation and a deep depression.
Felix didn't know what to do to help. So he taught Ryan how to fight. Telling him that he will be able to beat the crap out of everyone that tries to hurt him again. So Ryan became angry and channeled all his emotions through his fists.


Years later Ryan was accepted and enrolled into Saint-Grace United College alongside his little brother. He was scared but ready for a new beginning. He was going to try to get his life back together. And make sure no one will call him Filth ever again.

Ryan has been on hormone replacement therapy for 7 years, has had top surgery, a Hysterectomy and, a Metoidioplasty.

Ryan has had a crush on Damien since the first time they met.

Ryan will beat the shit out of anyone who shows the tad bit of transphobia towards him.

He's never been in a serious relationship before. There have always been problems with the men he was with because he's FtM.

Ryan is insecure about sexual relationships because he was never respected in his choices of what he wants.


Additional Info:

  • He always has an injury on his face and/or hands, sometimes on other parts of his body if he isn't too lucky.
  • Ryan is 5'1".


Felix O'Connell

[ Little Brother ]
Always fighting, Ryan secretly cares greatly for him.

Damien Bryant

[ Boyfriend ]
Owner of the coffee shop Ryan goes to almost every day.

Profile template by @Uclia