


4 years, 2 months ago




name ???

age 25

gender male

race mystel

clan keepers

guardian nald'thal

the forgotten


Brea is a cold and hostile individual who does not appear approchable in the slightest. Between the mask he is never seen without, or the glare that would put an Ahriman to shame, he is entirely foreign to his Source counterpart.

He is confident in his own abilities (some would say to a fault, though never to his face) as a hunter; spending the majority of his time killing notorious beasts or even sin eaters for coin. He is incredibly vengeful and never forgets a wrong turn against him - he has been known to leave a traitor to turn eater, and only then end their misery, for example. However, this confidence is easily shattered. Brea does not take failures well, often shouldering the blame himself regardless of the circumstances. His need for vengeance and more recent guilt are his main motivators.

However, this ruthless, mean persona is not all there is to him. In fact, he's noted to be remarkably gentle around children, particularly orphans. He tries to keep these two lives separate, lest someone see him and assume he's weak. It is, perhaps, one of the only weaknesses he allows himself. The majority of his earnings goes to support widows and orphans, around all of Norvrandt.

The other weakness... he will not so readily admit. He fears emotional intimacy more than death, it seems, so pushes away everyone around him in the hopes of protecting what remains of his heart.


DoB ???
Home western Rak'Tika Greatwood
Height 159cm
build slight
main jobs dnc
sub job n/a












  • He does not often bear skin.
  • He always carries a knife in his boots.
  • He is never seen without his red crystal earrings.
  • He will never reveal his true name.
  • tbc.


When young, his family abandoned him for reasons unknown and were promptly killed by sin eaters. After wandering the Greatwood for what felt like days, he was eventually adopted by a kindly Ronso hunter and his partner. They lived and hunted happily for a few years, but soon enough they, too, were killed by sin eaters. At this point, his heart was set to break and the Mystel chose to abandon the Greatwood now he was alone once more. He shed his name and chose the alias Brea after leaving the Wood, eventually gaining a reputation for his monster-slaying skills around Holminster Switch and Lakeland. He settled in the Ostall Imperative area originally and began to adjust to his new life.

A few moons after leaving the Greatwood, Brea found companionship, and it was a blissful reprieve. It was perhaps the time he was last truly happy... but of course his luck would never last that long. His partner had only been using him, and the final betrayal was an attempt on Brea's life. He survived, as he always did, but it was the last straw. He covered himself from head to toe and resolved to never let anyone get that close to him ever again. He left the Imperative, and using the money he'd scrimped and saved away, he fled to the Crystarium.

While the Crystarium is his new 'home'... he spends the majority of his time away on hunting missions. He primarily works alone, but makes exceptions for notorious marks and if he can somewhat trust those he brings with him - even if he doesn't wish to involve himself with others emotionally he knows there are some things even he cannot accomplish alone.

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