
Gender: Female

Age: 3000(?)

Birthday: Possibly Oct. 28

Height: 4’ 9”

Genie (Torso) Height: 1’ 7”

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Purple

Tail Color: Blue

Genie Type: Ancient

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: None

Loves: Manipulating her environment, A good body to be next do, belly dancing

Hates: Modern Architecture, Rusted Golden items, Modern Weapons and rockets

    Once a slave towards a being her people saw as a god, soon turned to a lover and genie. When she came to him in a group of other women (a harem offering as it were), the being had his eyes glued to her, though Ebio not knowing what to think about this situation. Over the years, the being molded her mind and her preferences to his ideals, alongside molding the other slaves’ minds. This being later on heard about genies and began changing his slaves into them and then himself, only Ebio was able to be changed before her master’s place was raided. She was soon sucked into her vessel with no knowledge if she was the only survivor. However, when she was awakened she was not fond of this world at all, thinking that the people have gone too far away from the desired look and status the world should be in. Once she was freed, she began to change the area around her to a more ancient egyptain ecosystem. Her goal now is to change the world to fit her vision of perfection, regardless of what other people think.