Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

  • This Account is Majorly SFW, HOWEFVER, some characters may contain sexual themes/arts. Those are heavily tagged and under strict authorization only for your convenience. 
  • Some OCs have themes of violence and disturbing imagery such as body horror. These are also filtered, tagged for your convenience.
  • I use colorful / bright / moving gifs for my folder images! Users with epilepsy or sensitive to eyestrain please take caution!
  • Similarly, I have quite a few OCs with very bright, colorful patterns and some with wild markings. They'll have tags and warnings though.
  • My OCs are not up for Sale/Trade unless otherwise stated- I don't mind DMs inquiring about some, though the answer will most likely be no.
  • We don't support NFTs on this page. If you see "NFT" anywhere, know that it stands for "Not for Trade"
  • Please don't use any of my OCs for, or offer AI designs for trade :/

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Body Horror, Talk of the Dead, Scavenging TW

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