


4 years, 1 month ago


Male. 27. 5'9. Bi.
❤ innovative cool headed
sassy Lover boy   

   Here is his playlist so far wip  

Unfortunately his job demands that he be compliant and obliging when dealing with customers, even the distasteful ones. Because of this people are likely to assume some amount of meekness to his character, however he is anything but. He's not afraid to assert himself and say what's on his mind. He's a very no nonsense guy but very passionate and patient with things and those he loves. 

A fashionista by heart. He's restricted to only wearing his uniform to work, but that doesn't stop him from accessorizing or using the excuse "its cold!" to wear his jacket. His side side hobby is designing clothes for himself but he loves designing clothes for others even more. Self expression is very important to him after all. He doesn't care to be the center of attention but he likes to feel...Colorful and trendy.

Studious with an abnormal ability to recall detailed information from memory with pinpoint accuracy. He's attracted to mysteries and the challenges they may present, whether that be a person, place, or thing. He may have a level head but lacks a bit in self-restraint. If something grabs his attention he may throw (a decent amount of) caution to the wind to obtain it. His excitement is rather subtle though unless it's something he's extremely fond of (like clothes.)

- If a situation concerns more then himself he will always ask for other's opinions. 

After he graduated high school he served in the military for a few years where he mainly took technical training in multiple career fields. After the few years he returned home to take care of his mother, who had fallen severely ill due to cancer. At that time he was going to college for a degree in electrical and mechanical engineering. After his mother passed, he got a job at one of the best robotics engineering companies. he should of been proud of his accomplishments but because of his mothers death he came to work feeling bitter, even more so when he found out the chief executive of the company was a greedy, condescending asshole. Not that he had first hand experience but everyone told him as much. So he was working for a company that didn't give a crap about him. Well, he was going to make them. 

"Well, would you look at that."
"heh, and you doubted me."
"Are you kidding me? ...Jeez."


Caden meaning: companion, gentle, fighter
+ 'ce = Cadence:  
1b. the beat, time, or measure of rhythmical motion or activity 
2b. a concluding and usually falling strain specifically :
a musical chord sequence moving to a harmonic close or point of rest and giving the sense of harmonic completion

Solus meaning: alone or unaccompanied (used especially as a stage direction).
