Lavender Pearl



4 years, 19 days ago


Some of you might know about my other Lavender Pearl ( and think “Well why do you have 2 Lavender Pearls?” And that reason is they where made for the same gem. Now no one knows who this gem was or what they did to get their pearl taken away. Now for the other Lavender Pearl, we’ll call her hooded pearl for now was the original. She was a kind soul, easily manipulated. On day she was tricked into doing something so horrible that she nearly broke and so she was replaced. Hooded Pearl lived to fight another day thanks to Era 3 but she was replaced with this Lavender Pearl. She was a huge upgrade compared to who she replaced. She stood up for herself, was never clumsy, and could throw a punch or two. On the job she met Daisy Pearl. The two laughed and joked. Annoyed Zircons and eventually fused for the first time, making Red Pearl. The two where delighted and worked together helping each other out so now they work side by side on Homeworld and will continue for many years to come.

Theme Song: Sunrise - In The Heights