
Gender: Female

Age: 16 (In Original Look)

Birthday: October 8th

Hair: Long, Light & Dark Blue

Eye color: Light Blue

Tail/Pearl Color: Blue

Sexual Preference: Straight

Species: Glacemaid (Mermaid/Ice Fairy)

Loves: Snow/Winter

Fears: Hell, volcanoes

    Unlike most Glacemaids, she was born with weaker Ice magic & had more difficulty with learning & casting more & more advance spells. It didn't help that her parents were nearly constantly busy, leaving barely anytime to help teach her. The reason why her magic was weaker compared to the others was due to her family-line in the past were going to use their magic to take over as much of the ocean as possible. The goddess of the glacemaids did not appreciate this and cursed their family name to make them weaker than the rest. After generations, she is now the one people bully due to her last name. Instead of running away and trying to avoid her family name, she stuck with it and kept trying to improved, even when the world was breaking around her.