Watermelon tourmaline



4 years, 2 months ago


Name- Watermelon (melon for short)
Gender- female
Gem- Watermelon tourmaline- left palm

Personality- Watermelon is some what mysterious, often doing things that cause others to question how or why, she isnt really one of speaking yet others understand what she wants / needs (only if she hits at it), Watermelon will speak when the time requires it. when her friends are being harassed she has been know to produce a bottle out of her gem and smash it on the harassers head before dragging them away (all while not saying a word) then go back to what she was doing. Though her mysterious and quiet nature tends to put others off, those that know her see a sweeter side to her.
Sexuality- gay

Theme song- Tba
Extra- Watermelon often shows up when someone is upset, handing them a bottle of alcohol before simply walking away or sitting beside them, all of this is done without her speaking a word. her mysterious behaviours is unusual to others but they accept itÂ