


4 years, 5 months ago


Name Satan.
Known also as Belial, or the alias "CADO".
Age Don't ask him, he'll get pissy.
Height 9'11".
Gender Male.
Orientation Anything with a HOLE.
Relationship Status Complicated.
Occupation Head Executioner.
Species Archdemon. Fallen Angel.

Alignment Huh?
Status Active.


Fallen Angel, Deceiver... To his names, there are many. But, there can only be one Satan. Silver tongued and quick to anger, Satan by all intents and purposes is a hot head most of the time. But, any other time, he’s rather charming. There is a loyalty to this being, as he had displayed countless times before. There is some semblance to law that even he abides by. He shows loyalty to Lucifer to some degree, but enjoys most of all teasing him. Bothering him is a pleasure and a delight. Lucifer’s need for control is understandable but to surround himself with fussy women was his choice! He ought to pick his women better and not have so many children, and maybe he wouldn't look as beat down as he was.

Satan displays love, in its truest form (by his standard), to only two women. Though she is not his wife, she may as well be as such. Virulentus is his most prized possession, second only to their offspring Tenebrae. Who he has very proudly trained in the way of execution. Beyond this he has a habitual need for destruction and wanton violence. It is always said his directionless anger is one matter, but his fury with proper direction is unmatched.

Formerly the Ruler of the Wrath layer, which was not so much his speed. He now has an occupation far more his fancy: Chopping off the heads of the weak and feeble. In this right, he takes on an alias.The Behemoth of Desinere, the fiend Cado. Though this was not of his choice, but the oddly polite request of Lilivor that he hide his face under a monnsterous helm and exist as the Head Executioner seperately from his status as a Prince. Which is fine by him.

Unrelenting Chasm

>The Superior Version of Absolute Maw. Pray that there is one of unrelenting strength, as when he begins there is a sudden inwards vortex. Anything close is sucked into his mouth and shredded. Teeth line the inside of his throat and cheeks, however the instead of entrance punctures they run in grooves. In this, his teeth may do a full rotation in his mouth, with some very disgusting sounds to boot.


>Humans and lesser demons are most easily affected by this, as anything with sentience he makes contact with he is able to influence emotionally. Creating immense feelings of hatred and anger. He takes his amusement from the blind rage of others, it’s a fascinating thing.


>Just as the name would suggest, once he begins his assault he will not cease. Going into berserker phase is never a good sign for anyone involved. Very poor history of mass destruction.


> Manifestion of Infernal Flames whose heat and effective range is porpotional to the rage he feels.


> Capable of summoning lesser demons and familiars. Uses this more often than not to deliver letters.

Infernal Tongue

> Capable of speaking all demonic languages fluently.


> Wears a demon horned helm that obscures his face and give him the appearance from the neck up of something more creature than humanoid.

> His eyes are very human, minus the fact that his irises are like pools of constantly moving molten gold without pupils. It is said he of all, shows a history of the fall with his body alone.

> Considers himself to be the #1 Dad and refuses to hear otherwise.

> Has spent a considerable amount of time amongst the humans. As a result he is an exceptionally excellent cook.

> He has been training his daughter to be an executioner since she was born.

> Is more than capable of swallowing a 6 foot human whole and shredding it into minced meat with his maw.

> Satan loves to tease his daughter about her inferior height despite both he and her mother being immensely tall.