chiLd's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use



╭┈ ⎙ c o n t e n t s


│1. - art terms of service 

│2. - design terms of service 

│3. - general terms of service 

│4. - blacklist 

╰───────────── ⎔



╰── ➤ -ˏˋ ˊˎ- ˖*°࿐*ೃ .


🌡️ art terms of service 

🍓.¹⤾·) When posting my art anywhere, credit me with a direct link to my toyhouse profile ( Things such as 'Credit to Cal' or 'Credit to artist' are not credit.

🍓.²⤾·) Do not resell my art, you may sell a character with an art piece I've drawn but do not sell the art itself. This goes for putting it on pins, letting people pay to use it as icons, etc. It's fine if it's personal usage or you make it free to use.

🍓.³⤾·) Do not use my art as a reference or tracing material unless it was specifically created and stated to be for that purpose. You may reference elements of my style for your own but don't copy my art pieces and such.

🍓.⁴⤾·) Do not use art you don't have permission to use! whether it's art of my ocs, someone else's ocs or art of a popular brand/show.

🍓.⁵⤾·) Do not claim my art as your own. Even if it was a F2U base you edited. You can add multiple artists on toyhouse images & you can credit for the base via links on other sites. There isn't an excuse. If you won't credit base artists, make your own lineart.

🍓.⁶⤾·) Do not make edits of my art.

🌹 design terms of service 

🍓.¹⤾·) Do not sell designs i made for more than you bought them for unless you have commissioned or traded for an art piece for them. Sketches do not count. OCs given for free (excluding DTA/DTRs and trades) can't be sold, only traded, no matter how much art you get of them. Though, you may ask me about it in future if you need.

🍓.²⤾·) Don't take inspiration from or copy my characters' designs or items. you may see a milk themed adopt and make a milk themed design as long as it isn't copied or referenced directly from mine.

🍓.³⤾·) If you have offered for an adopt, make sure you can actually pay or do the art. If you already pay, I won't do refunds or re-trades. Don't offer and then back out, only offer if you're going to commit. If you ghost me or refuse to pay, I'll keep whatever you have given me and the design.

🍓.⁴⤾·) Inform me if you're redesigning, reselling or retrading an oc, I won't stop you unless it violates any of my tos, but i enjoy seeing where my designs go or what people do with them. you're not required to but it's nice when people send me art they made or received for designs I made too :)

🍓.⁵⤾·) Wait at least two weeks before reselling one of my designs and make sure they have extra art. You can gift or give away designs without extra art as long as it's for free.

🍓.⁶⤾·) Once you finish payment or receive a design from me via other methods, you have full rights to do what you want with that character. I do not have the right to remove the character from you or prevent you using it for NSFW, gore, ect. I'll blacklist you if you use it to promote homophobia, racism, etc, but otherwise I can't/won't stop you.

🍓.⁷⤾·) Credit me when using the design's reference/art I created.

🧨 general terms of service 


🍓.¹⤾·) I reserve the rights to blacklist anyone for personal reasoning or for breaking my TOS. These people will not be allowed to purchase or trade for designs made by me, nor will they be allowed to request/commission art. These people may have broken my personal rules as an artist, they may have broken the law or they may have made me incredibly uncomfortable. Please do not give them anything you receive from me.

🍓.²⤾·) I will not be tolerant of disrespect or customers wanting an update every few lines. If you want a very specific custom or art piece, find someone who does those or do it yourself. I am fine with being asked for updates as long as it isn't every hour.
🍓.³⤾·) Please don't question my reasoning for blacklisting people, or ask why you were blacklisted if it goes unspecified. This causes me a lot of anxiety and knowing what you did wrong will not change anything so there's no point. I blacklist people who have a genuine impact on my comfort levels, mental health or set off trauma responses so if I say 'made me uncomfy' I mean a lot more than that.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


This exists solely so people don't sell my art or designs to people I don't trust or don't want to own my designs. I do not take responsibility for nor condone people attacking anyone on here. They're probably okay people, please don't attack them. The links exist due to them changing names. If this backfires, I'll make a private blacklist and ask all people who own my designs to ask to trade/sell to someone in case they're blacklisted; don't make it harder for yourself.


x  x  x  x  x

Personal reasoning / Homophobia


Personal reasoning / Harassment


x  x  x  x  x

Catfishing, Polyamory fetish, stalking minors, etc



Guilt tripping, making me uncomfy, making a subspecies because they lost an oc, also deadnaming said oc.

OG HTML by lowkeywicked

Yolkverse Global Rules
Terms of Service
  • Always link back to my toyhouse as credit!
  • Do not sell/trade/gift my designs to anyone on my blacklist
  • Free/trade/owed art from me can be used to add worth to a character, you may give my designs worth, my characters retain worth when traded. Just do not be silly about it, scalping practices will get you a blacklist. This benefit does NOT apply to you if your TOS don't allow others to resell OCs or are restrictive around personal/trade/gift art! If you take advantage of this, I expect to be allowed the same freedom in return
  • Redesigns, species swaps, different forms, are all fine by me
  • Do not take inspiration from my art, designs, OCs, writing, etc! It makes me paranoid
  • General rules (Don't steal, don't trace, etc)
  • After you get the rights to them, you can do whatever with my designs! Gore, vtubers, NSFW, I don't mind - as long as you aren't committing crimes with them
Carthunderstorm / Heishi