


4 years, 2 months ago
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Name: Dnn

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 4/9/xx

Occupation: Fighter. Signs up for arena games to win money, though it's unknown what he's using the money for.

Voice type: a darker tone, more gruff. He is usually quiet but when he speaks, it's a sad darker tone.

Quirks, strange mannerisms, and/or annoying habits: Tends to have a thing for clouds. He will often stare up at the clouds for no real reason, even if he's in the middle of a match.

Hierarchy/social standing: In the fighting world, he isn't exactly known, but is definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Scars or physical deformities: There's a large scar on his back. It isn't visible to the naked eye unless he's at ease.

The rocks on his shoulder are a form of a parasite. They grow and spread the more he's stressed and the more worked up he gets. If this covers him, he will die.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 145lbs

Strengths: Fighting, writing, map making

Weaknesses: Growing close to people, holding his temper, wanting to connect with people but can't..

Family: It's unknown what happened to his family, but it's said he has a brother somewhere. Perhaps that's why he's fighting for money.

Fears: Hurting someone hes close to, the parasite taking over, turning into a ruthless killer with no morals.

Goals: This is unknown really. He fights with a strong passion and drive, though it's hard to say why. It doesn't seem to be for himself...

Sexuality: Not confirmed, but presumed gay

Relationships/Love interests: None. Single man, but possibly searching.

Sexual partners: None

Hobbies and interests: He loved to cloud gaze and shift them to what they could be in his mind.. Already known, but he has a strong passion for fighting. His arms can change shape at will, while his cuffs allow easy manipulation of matter around him. This allows him to float, create and destroy objects, and much more.

Bio: Dnn is an unusual thing. He had no record of birth, relationships, or family in his name. He was a pure ghost until he entered the fighting world. Though his reasons for entering are sealed within his dark mind, he holds a fire in his eyes that one can not simply extinguish though pain.

Dnn holds himself above all to make absolute sure he gains no connection to anyone he meets. Friend or Foe, he will not accept any relationships in his life.

Deep down, Dnn is a broken mask. He hides his pain and grief with fists and strength to make himself appear larger than who he really is. But he burdens every kill upon himself. The weight of everything has severely drained him of any room to open up to others. Though he may try, it's impossible.

Wip Animation Meme: https://youtu.be/xIMreipJKzw