Gracia Starna



Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthday: July 14th

Height: 4' 5"

Merform Height: 7' 9"

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Violet

Sexual Preference: Lesbian

Job: None

Loves: Art, Magic, sharing advice

Hates: People ruining her work,

   Born in Aquinous in the middle class districts, Gracia is a gentle and sweet mermaid that ends up hardly arguing. She's often called bubbly and magnetized to her brush, with so many people seeing her stuck in an art studio. She ended up getting herself a magical insertion on her right index finger, allowing her to move it around like a brush to change what she likes. As her knowledge of magic has evolved, so to has her ability to use her finger to create all sorts of things, but she makes sure that she's very careful when using her magic. As of right now, her nickname is "The Canvas Magician," since she normally uses her magic to make her art stand out.