
4 years, 1 month ago


The Wandering Priest

Charming . Quiet . Intelligent . Friendly

Name Harlow
Called Harlow
Gender Male
Age 200
Elements Life & Hate
Edits Warrior Mane
Height 11 feet
Build Well muscled, stocky
Alliance The Bran Family
Rank Nomad
Romantic Status Single


  • Warmth
  • The company of others
  • Time with his family
  • The Stars


  • Yelling
  • Being dismissed or told he's not capable enough
  • Pessimists
  • Being alone

History & Personality


Harlow is a vocal lion, strong willed and excessively passionate. He believes firmly in the Mother Cosmos, and that peace should be above all. He follows Bran closely, and studies all he can. Despite his hate element he always seems to be stangely calm, though the fire in his eyes shows an inner fire that can't be extinguished. He rarely gets angry openly, turning the internal rage into projects and notes, star maps and maps of the land. He's always busy, doing something to pull him away from his inner fire. Mentally he's fine, he'll always be fine because this is a normal thing to feel despite all the love that surrounds him. He's excessively accepting of faults in others, though almost mystical and secretive in what he does around lions that don't belong to his large family. He's an open dreamer, willing to share his goals and aspirations for his life with any that ask, as well as the little traditions he's made. Harlow is charming but not overly charismatic, preferring to be softly spoken but not silent, and to study and observe with his pale yet careful gaze. He handles everything with care, and takes things with a grain of salt. Bran has taught him to be quick witted and sharp tongued, Domani taught him to be strong and steely in his resolve, Iseult taught him that he is royalty, and shouldn't be treated like dirt under another's paw. Sin taught him that death is not the end, and to take no shit from others. Loi and Roq taught him to fight, Sayen to be paitent, and Fee to never give up. He sees himself as a well rounded lion because of his family, and will take it no other way. He loves deeply and sincerely, and will never intentionally break someone's heart.

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Harlow's much stronger brother. He tourments poor Harlow but he can't bring himself to resent him. Acramos makes him miserable whenever he's around yet he still loves him. Harlow has dedicated his life to righting the wrongs of his kin, though the thought that he just couldn't get there in time to save the lives he took. Regaardles, Harlow and Acramos don't get along and never will.



Future mate

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Best Friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.