Blind Hunter



4 years, 2 months ago


Character sheet

A changeling who usually takes the form of a yuan-ti-esque man named Duster. Mostly human-looking, but upon closer inspection has patches of scaly skin, and sharp clawed hands. 

Their alternate persona is a friendly human woman named Lace, who deals in forgeries. 

Other forms include Horns, a tiefling man with a shortly trimmed beard and curling round horns like a ram's.

They wear light, loose clothing suited for the desert (with adjustable belts and ties to secure it in place, so they don't have to change clothes if they change body size), a distinctive leather gambler hat along with wraps around their eyes like a blindfold. They're mostly blind, but can see sources of light. (only the sources, however.) They see through their familiar, a large owl, in order to see. In combat or while scouting, they send their owl to watch from above so they can see attackers from behind them. Also uses their owl to cheat at cards.

Belongs to a guild of bounty hunters called the Blind Hunters, who usually work alone and aren't ever seen with other members of their group. When asked, they all have the same surname: Nix. In truth, this is due to the fact the the Blind Hunters is actually a one-man operation. Each member of the guild is actually just another form of the changeling using different appearances and names. Their true form has the name Nix, which they use for their other forms' surnames. 

Main weapons of choice include their trick cane, which transforms into a sword, and a chain whip for knocking enemies prone, or pulling them away from things. When not able to rely on their familiar for sight, they use their cane for navigation.