


4 years, 1 month ago



Physical Characteristics:
Primarily round features, like the head and body. Both the head and body are topped with armored scales for protection from predators. Head slopes into a pointed nose that ends in a star shaped touch organ for detecting vibrations. Also on the head are large pointed and rounded ears with above average hearing. Front legs are thick, extended, and end in large claws for digging. Small curled tail with a star shape on the end. Eyes are sensitive to light and are closed in well lit areas. In tunnels and at night their eyes are wide open and round with enlarged pupils. Average size is about 10 - 12 inches (25 - 30 cm).
Underground in various places in Nephfei. They will venture above surface at night to search for food. They are extremely weak above ground in the day, due to their light sensitivity and inability to detect threats from above. Some can be domesticated, but due to their appetite are difficult to care for.
General Temperament:
Hardy critters that are extremely food motivated, Pigglins are a pest to some farmers because they do not fear Nephfians and will stray into or dig under crops to eat them without a problem. For tamed Pigglins their food motivation can be beneficial to training. Pigglins spend many daylight hours sleeping. At twilight they begin to dig and forage for worms and minerals and upon nightfall they will surface to find plants or more bugs to eat.
Other Field Notes:
Can be a farmer's best friend or worst enemy- They are capable of eating waste and compost and pest insects, but also crops, fertile dirt, and useful pollinating insects. Can be befriended easily with food offerings. Their excrement is full of the minerals that didn't get digested so it makes good fertilizer.