Nashiro Mizusawa (NaDabi♥️)



4 years, 2 months ago


NAShiro Mizusawa
  • GENDER Female
  • AGE 24
  • HEIGHT 170 cm
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual

  • GENDER Male
  • AGE 20s
  • HEIGHT 176 cm
  • SEXUALITY Unknown


  • RELATIONSHIP: Romantic
  • DYNAMIC: Friends with benefits to lovers
  • CLOSENESS: Extremely close
  • First to confess? Dabi was the first to confess, though as an accident during one of their escapades. It threw Nashiro way off guard, so much that she didn't even say anything to him.
  • First to apologize? Dabi always apologizes first because he would always feel bad for getting mad at her.
  • The more popular/charismatic? Probably Nashiro since she attracts a lot of attention on purpose.
  • Which is the best caretaker when the other is sick? Both of them are fairly good at being caretakers as they had younger siblings they looked after at one point or another (Todoroki theory mwahaha)
  • Who does the cooking? Nashiro loves anything to do with cooking and/or baking, so she does most of the food making. Usually won't even let Dabi help her, either.
  • Who does the housework? Nashiro probably would since there are certain ways she likes to keep things and certain ways she does things involving housework.
  • Which is the overprotective one? Both are overprotective of each other, but Dabi is a little more though as Nashiro gets caught up in bad situations often.
  • Which is the designated driver? Nashiro, she's a smooth driver.
  • Which has good penmanship? Nashiro probably has better writing than Dabi does. Her writing is mostly in cursive, looking nice and fancy.
  • Who has a better relationship experience? Maybe Dabi, he's probably had a few partners before her, but not really an exact relationship with anyone. Nashiro had bad luck with previous relationships and settled with hopping around and playing around with others.
  • Which is more sensitive to subtle changes in their partner? Nashiro is probably the most sensitive because she will always think it's her fault whereas Dabi shrugs off minor changes most of the time.
  • The one that dies protecting the other? They would rather take an injury or two for each other rather than die for each other, honestly.

STORY + Headcanons

Just a few heartbeats from disaster

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Integer vitae turpis in mauris eleifend venenatis. Proin est ipsum, placerat sed lectus id, faucibus convallis elit. Aenean elementum non sapien vel tempor. Vivamus pretium dui in lacus iaculis accumsan. Suspendisse elementum tristique fermentum. Curabitur feugiat elit ut scelerisque facilisis. In in arcu sed ligula eleifend convallis. Vivamus eu dictum metus, lacinia dignissim diam. Donec non est quis leo pellentesque imperdiet imperdiet non est. Duis gravida, quam vel viverra viverra, risus mi porttitor metus, vitae feugiat elit sem sit amet turpis. Vestibulum eu aliquet metus. Aliquam eu arcu id justo consectetur tincidunt. Aliquam eget felis fringilla, cursus dui quis, aliquet dui.


  • Dabi and Nashiro start as "friends with benefits" if you will.
  • At first, they didn't intend on pursuing a relationship, they rather were going to keep things strictly physical. However, Dabi deep down wants something more than that, but he highly doubted that she was going to feel the same way.
  • Nashiro normally calls him by Dabi or as Patchwork. while he calls her Shiro, Doll, or simply Baby.
  • Dabi always asks of Nashiro to sing for him, especially during nights that he can't sleep. It's extremely relaxing to him.
  • In a happy future AU, they would have 3 kids: Touma, Mafuyu, and Asuka. (2 boys and 1 girl)
  • Despite what Nashiro sometimes thinks of her appearance, Dabi always reassures her that he thinks the opposite (a good thing).
  • Nashiro tends to be the crazy cat lady type, always stopping everything she's doing for a cat which amuses Dabi a ton.
  • Nashiro could wear the laziest outfit, no makeup, and messy hair and Dabi could still fall head over heels for her all over again.
  • When Dabi is getting overly angry, Nashiro is good about calming him down. When she does it, it reminds him of his mother attempting to calm him.

Nashiro'S THOUGHTS ON Dabi

"I wasn't too interested in him at all, but I guess he's cool. Comes off as an asshole, but of course, I was going to keep going on with him."

Dabi'S THOUGHTS ON Nashiro

"Put Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll."



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