


4 years, 2 months ago



Anthravians | Terrestrial or Semiaquatic | Anthriped




On average, anthravians stand anywhere from 4'9" to 6'0" tall. They bear resemblance to avians, being entirely bipedal, occasionally having tails, and often possessing hands/feet similar to the talons of the avians they resemble (alongside typically having greater feather growth on their arms). They do not tend to gain or lose muscle or fat in extremes.

Anthravians native to a region typically resemble avians of the region. Often, anthravians strongly resemble only one type of avian, taking more after one parent or individual in the direct parental line. However, features like hand and foot type, tongue type, and visual capabilities can easily diverge from the expected when parents differ in resemblance. Anthravians posses either claw/talon-like appendages, or webbed appendages. All anthravians have opposable thumbs, but finger numbers can vary between three or four per hand; feet typically follow the same configuration as hands, but some individuals have only two toes, or toes in a different configuration than their hands. Anthritilian tongues vary greatly, but are always broad and flexible enough to allow for hominid-like speech in conjunction with unique vocal tracts. Many anthravians have an advanced sense of vision due to the unique structures present. Some anthravians are known to have nocturnal vision. All anthravians have eyelids and tearducts to moisten their eyes. Strong emotions can cause tears, but not in the dramatic degrees seen in hominids. Despite this wide array of appearances, anthravians resembling the avians of the land remain more common than others. However, there is a fair amount of immigrants from other continents/regions, and individuals who can trace their lineage back to immigrants; several areas boast not only diversity in species, but in subspecies.

Anthravians are susceptible to a few genetic disorders, including ones which impact one's appearance such as albinism, dwarfism, heterochromia, melanism, and gynandromorphism. Many unseen disorders (harmless or not) often go undiagnosed and are passed down, especially among smaller communities and settlements. Occasionally, such conditions can cause infertility, either due to their nature or their incompatibility with other species.

Distinguishing Features:

Anthravians' vocal capabilities originate mainly from their unique vocal tracts, which allow for hominid-like speech despite their beaks. However, some anthravians (typically those resembling macaws, mockingbirds, or lyrebirds) can also mimic voices or noises in general with great precision.

Anthravians can have tails. While not guaranteed to occur, genes for tails seem to be more heavily carried with certain resemblances, such as peafowl, pheasants, and quetzals. Most tails do not greatly interfere with everyday activities, but some choose to trim unwieldy ones.


Anthravians can have children with anthritilians.

Read more about anthravian/anthritilian individuals here.




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