


4 years, 2 months ago



Dwarves | (Sub-)Terrestrial | Hominid




On average, dwarves stand anywhere from 2'11" to 5'5" tall. They have hair colors often likened to the tones of animal hide, skin tones in shades of pinks and browns, and relatively muted eye colors. They tend to store muscle and fat in extremes.

On this continent, Dwarves tend to have darker skin, hair, and eye tones. Height is fairly consistent across the population, with most dwarves falling between 3'5" and 4'2". Hair is typically anywhere from dark brown to black, and its texture is usually straight, wavy, or loosely curled. Eyes tend to be soft browns or dark browns. However, there is a fair amount of immigrants from other continents/regions, and individuals who can trace their lineage back to immigrants; several areas boast not only diversity in species, but in races.

Dwarves are susceptible to several genetic disorders, including ones which impact one's appearance such as albinism, heterochromia, and vitiligo. Many unseen disorders (harmless or not) often go undiagnosed and are passed down, especially among smaller communities and settlements. Occasionally, such conditions can cause infertility, either due to their nature or their incompatibility with other species.

Distinguishing Features:

Dwarves have consistent hair growth across the population. All are capable of growing facial hair, often beginning to sport it during puberty or adolescence and maintaining heavy and rapid growth throughout their lives. Body hair is present in varying degrees of thickness, but regardless of color is usually dense enough to be noticeable. Hair loss on the scalp is known to occasionally occur with age. Among dwarves, any degree of hair growth is considered unisex. While some female dwarves will shave down beards to a stubble or short style to better match human standards, such distinctions or expectations are more loosely upheld and regarded on this continent, and the practice is uncommon.

Dwarves have a strong immunity to toxins, especially airborne contaminants. While not immune to poisoning, when afflicted with dosages that would be rapidly fatal or damaging in other species or creatures, adverse effects like delirium and damage to flesh or the nervous system can be staved off for a long enough period to either receive help or identify the issue. However, far stronger dosages can be introduced to achieve the same rapidly fatal or damaging result. Generally, dwarves can go longer than other species with limited or no oxygen.


Dwarves can have children with humans, elves, and nymphs. A few old tales claim that dwarves and anthritilians have reproduced, but there is so far no credibility to such stories; it is believed they originated from old prejudices in some societies against such unions, where bilineal dwarves were discouraged.

Read more about dwarf/non-dwarf individuals here.




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