


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Rosario “Rozen” Sigfried

Other Nickname: Lilac

Age: 16

Height: 5'8

Occupation: Student

Species: Human (Cursed)

Place of Living: Common Magician’s Quarters

Mahou Title: The Rose

Magical Skills: Plant Manifestation+Manipulation (Life-Force Manipulation)


Roses and Vines: The only plant matter he can grow and manipulate. The color of roses is something he can choose to create and even make colors that don’t exist in nature.

Lavender oil: Aromatherapy basically. Taking it out and smelling it calms him down.

“Fairytale Curses”: A book he found awhile back that lists all the different kinds of magic curses that have been written of in fairytales. He hopes to use it to maybe find a way to undo his curse without dying.

Personality: Rozen tries to appear calm and collected, however even just saying hello to him, everyone can tell that he’s a blithering mess. Despite being a bundle of nerves and panic, he’s actually very nice. Rozen tries to be friendly and open to everyone, however he has a bit of trouble when it comes to certain things. He believes everyone can be nice, but often second guesses himself and fears the worst easily. Paranoid beyond belief, and easily scared, he’s most likely the biggest baby in the school. He also is really easy to make cry.

Backstory: Rozen was born to a family that lived in a world where magic was not a common thing, within an isolated forest. Not long after he was born, his father passed away, leaving his mother to take care of him alone. When he was 11, he met a strange child who appeared to him when he was getting firewood for his mother. The child said they were a witch, but Rozen didn’t really understand what that meant. So when Rozen was given a rosebud by them, he didn’t question the gift or that the child stated that “I will return when the rose fully blooms.”

Rozen had shown the rose to his mother and told her about the child, but she’d never believed him. As a year passed, Rozen began to get very sick. One day, when his mother came to wake him, she found him deathly ill while the flower was almost fully bloomed. His mother tried to get help from anywhere she could and eventually was lead to a magic woman who lived deeper in the forest. The rose he had been given a year ago was in fact cursed; it would wilt and Rozen would die with it.

The old woman unfortunately couldn’t undo the curse fully, and all her magic made things more complicated. The rose became a part of his body, changing how his body was. The rose replaced his left eye and its vines attached itself to every part of him.

Rozen locked himself inside his room for two years after that. But even so, he knew he’d need to get better at controlling his magic. He’d enrolled in one school and made friends there. But after an incident decided to transfer schools and now is in Agatha Academy.



His birthday is October 2nd.

Rozen’s not good with technology; he knows a few things here and there when he went to town. But tell him to use one of them and he’ll have almost  no idea how any of it works. Still he's gotten better at it since moving schools.

Rozen enjoys running and jogging. It helps him be able to relax and calm down while also not just staring at nothing. He’ll often jog around the school before classes.

Rozen has a bad habit of scratching at his hand or face when nervous. He also is known to wheeze/breath heavily, shake/shudder, fidget with his hands, twiddle his thumbs, curl into a ball, cry, and/or accidentally yell or mumble when he’s scared/nervous.


Curse related Trivia:
The rose has been magically enchanted to not die like a normal rose would. So Rozen doesn’t have to worry about the wintertime killing him. Fire is still an issue but Rozen knows better than to be around that anyway. Anything magical is able to hurt the flower.

Rozen’s curse is that he is soul-bound to the flower embedded in his eyesocket. Should anything happen to the flower he’d suffer the same sort of injuries. However if his body is damaged but not the flower, he will stay alive.

 Because of the curse Rozen’s body is more closely a mix of magic and plant matter than a normal human body. While he was once fully human, now he is roughly only 50% human. It has caused his physical appearance to change as well, since he for the most part is technically no longer fully human, his veins are filled with a mix of his blood (which now has turned green) and vines, his hair and eyes changed into the lavender colors, and his ears have also changed to be more pointed for whatever reason.

Rozen has only been cursed for four years now, he’s not the most adapt at his magic and is trying to keep it as tame as possible until he learns how to control it better. While he’s not scared of his vines or roses going out of control, he is worried about the other magic he has, and refuses to even show it off to anyone, let alone tell anyone about it. He’s not even fully aware of what he can do with his magic, so he will be learning that himself.

There is a way to remove the curse from him, by transfering it to someone else, likely the same way that the child had; by giving him the rose. But Rozen refuses, hating the idea that he would have to make someone else suffer for him to be able to live happily. Because of what the old witch had done, he has no idea if his magic would disappear if his curse was lifted. Nor is he even sure if he’ll still be alive without it.

If Rozen were to ever be at risk of death and he not be able to move (due to fear or not being conscious). The rose in a sense can ‘take control’ of his body, sending him into a state of ‘autopilot’, where he’ll do what he can to stay alive. The Rose has no consciousness, nor does it have any other indication that it is alive in the same way Rozen is alive, it only acts to make sure Rozen’s body is not irreversibly damaged. Rozen does not remember what happens when on ‘autopilot’.