
4 years, 2 months ago


Partner- Madlen/hatter -

he is not actually part of the mafia currently. he finds hatter a bit annoying at times but at the end of the day he still loves him. He disagrees with some of the things hatter does and believes he goes too far sometimes, but when push comes to shove he’d protect Hatter regardless. He is willing to get his hands dirty if needed. He’s the more level-headed of the two and is quite easily annoyed, yet somehow he puts up with hatter despite all his shenanigans, even helping him survive some of them. He knows exactly how dangerous hatter is but still argues with him, especially if it comes to matters of safety. He’s not quite as affectionate, while he gets a bit huffy sometimes he still accepts hatters affection most of the time. He does try to initiate affection when he can because he knows it makes hatter happy, even if it embarrasses him sometimes. He’s seen the worst of Hatter but still chooses to stay by his side, through the good and bad.

He is shorter than hatter which annoys him a little lol.

friend- Suspiria