Noah Evans



4 years, 1 month ago


Looks and basics

Name Noah Evans
Occupation The Association
Age 21
Gender male
Height 180 cm (5'11)

  • Has a slim agile type of body, very fast and durable yet not that strong in comparison to eg. Kevin (although he can hit you pretty hard with the right technique and momentum).
  • He's famous for his absolutely fabulous hand gestures. It's a part of his speaking and a part of his very being. That + his perfectly white smile (and he smiles a lot - even in stressful situations).
  • His eye color is between blue and green, tho it can look differently in different lighting. Has naturally pretty long eyelashes and is a one pretty boi in general.
  • Has a lot of energy and confidence in his movements, he's a magnet for attention whenever he enters the room (unless he hasn't had his coffee today and he's a sleepy boi).
  • His hair gets wavy when the air is moist.
  • He almost always looks like he's flirting with you, even though he's not xD
  • During "True Face" timespan always wears that black necklace of his.
  • For casual clothes he likes to wear shirts, simple yet elegant sweaters and jackets. Never wears black except for his ninja outfit.


  • He has a strong personality, being extremely confident, charming and charismatic. Does not crave the attention, but he tends to attract a lot of it and he enjoys having it.
  • Craves the company and enjoys every last bit of it. Very playful, likes to joke around, make bets and tease people in a friendly manner. For some reason he happens to get the closest with the weirdest of personalities.
  • He's always searching for strengths in people and wants everyone to be better versions of themselves.
  • No matter if you're introverted or extroverted, a moody brat like Kevin or a friendly dude like Andrew, he will always try to casually befriend you. He gets pretty comfy with people easily, and people tend to enjoy his company as well (or be in weird kind of love-hate relationship with him XD).
  • Despite being very friendly and all, he doesn't talk a lot about himself (especially his emotions or his past). One can never be truly sure what he's up to.
  • He's quite a genius with an impressive amount of medical knowledge, educating himself every day, getting curious about human body and reading up on new scientific discoveries. He likes to annoy people with random medical facts, especially when they are doing something unhealthy.
  • Super curious about the people, from their personalities to the very specifics of their physical bodies.
  • Very observant, notices a lot of details and reacts quickly and precisely.
  • Terrible case of a workaholic with very strong need to "be useful". Takes so much on himself that he tends to neglect his own needs (like sleep, or eating properly).
  • Very idealistic and hopeful for the people and the future - he sees the future and possibilities that others can not see. There's no such thing as impossible for him. He will change and challenge the whole god damn world if he has to.
  • His biggest weakness is giving too much trust in other people and getting too attached when he gets to know someone. Even when they hurt him, he can't help but forgive them (and let them hurt him again).
  • It annoys him when people are stupid enough to hurt themselves (and he'll keep giving them detailed medical reasons until they stop the behavior). He'll slap you if that is what you need right now.
  • He's blissfully blind for any signs of affection towards himself most of the time. Which is funny, combined with the fact he's always "flirting"... xD


  • Very addicted to caffeine. He can't function without his daily dose of a few cups of coffee. When he lacks it, he's pretty slow, sleepy and silent, with random outbursts of energy that he happens to naturally gather.
  • He's the most deadly fighter in the Association and became quite legendary for that. Has a very unique fighting style of using his surroundings, his opponents weaknesses and mistakes - his medical knowledge becomes very useful to deliver precise attacks. What makes him extra scary is that he doesn't care about honor and such and seems to never be scared - always smiling.
  • He's very touchy - likes to casually pat people or hug them (if they're close enough ofc).
  • He loves cats and cats seem to love him back.
  • His favorite flower is a white rose. White roses are appearing quite often throughout his life (and I want to make a separate backstory comics series for Noah called "White Roses" which will be a bunch of short comics connected by the theme of white roses).
  • This boi can danceee ~

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