


4 years, 2 months ago


Lets Get Sillay!

  •  Name   Knight 
  •  Age   22 
  •  Gender   Transmasc N-B 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

" *holds a gun up to a mushroom*  tell me the name of god you fungal piece of shit. "


Knight is a very quiet, self involved, and laidback person with a vaguely cryptic aura to them. They love all things nature, and can often be found outside taking strolls in the park or around the neighborhood just for the hell of it. He is a very observant person as well, which makes it very easy for him to understand the general "vibe" or feelings of the people around him. They adore their friends to no end, and although they get too easily embarrassed to say it out loud, he definitely tries his best to show their love for them some other way.

Theme songs: Crystal Castles - Good Times + #8 Regret - Splatoon 2 OST


Knight is a small brown tanuki, with a rounded "T" shaped marking over their face in a lighter brown, as well as circular markings that make up most of their cheek directly under said "T" shaped one, in a darker brown. Their eyes are nearly black, but appear a vibrant hot pink where light hits the iris. Knight typically wears a timid smile or smirk where ever he goes, along with their eyelids which are droopy and half-closed, usually him a friendly, sleepy look. He has three birthmarks on his face, two under his eye, and one under his lip, and all on them are on the right side of his face. The left side of his jaw has marginally sharper teeth, complete with pointier fangs.

  • Their friends!!!
  • Peace and Quiet
  • Brewing & Collecting Teas
  • Exploring/Hiking In The Woods
  • Ravencore Aesthetic
  • Taking Naps In The Sunlight
  • Rude/Inconsiderate People
  • Loud/Hyper People
  • Spending Too Much Time Indoors/Alone
  • Hot/Dry Weather
  • Very Bright Lights
  • Wearing Gloves


Ty is one of their closest friends - they tend to get into trouble together, being as mischevious as they are. However, it's all in good fun, and make sure to never harm anyone with their little pranks.

Mauz and Knight met recently, but are hitting it off pretty well so far!! He's Knight's (self proclaimed) walking buddy, so they often meet up to have hikes and picnics, or just to keep them company while they care for the neighborhood community garden.

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