morishita nana



4 years, 2 months ago


morishita nana

Basic Info
Name morishita nana

Alias nova

Birthday jul 06

Age 22-24

Gender female

Height 172 cm

Hair Color blonde

Eye Color blue

Blood Type b+

Quirk lumokinesis

Occupation jp top pop idol

Affiliation toy hour records

Status active

Fighting Style fighting?






  • spicy food
  • travel
  • wild life
  • rainy days
  • deep sea life
  • dancing
  • her label
  • hard liquor
  • the internet
  • wastefulness
  • loss of control
  • not having down time
Quirk: Lumokinesis

nana's quirk allows her to absorb light waves and, for lack of any better term, glow. over time, she has developed near complete control over it, allowing her to create light shows on her body. the colors depend on the light wavelengths that she's absorbed. while nana is able to maintain control most of the time, intense emotions can cause a reaction. two (in nana's opinion, at least) negatives is that the lit up areas of skin can become extremely, extremely hot due to her ability also to absorb and release ultraviolet light and her ability to control the intensity of the light, which can be blinding for everyone (her included).

  • Ctneophora - nana frequently uses her ability to create light shows on her body. through selection of what light wavelengths to tap into and release and where, she can create an entire spectrum of colors. she is able to light herself up from individual skin cells so can control what's 'dark' and what's 'glowing'. this glow can vary in brightness from very faint to incredibly vivid and bright.
  • Siphonophore - while nana's ability relies on her having a light source, she doesn't need much light. barring true total darkness found in caves or deprivation chambers, nana is able to use the faintest light wavelengths to supply her ability. this is more effective when channeling the wavelengths absorbed into one area rather than trying to use her whole body to emit light.
Super Moves
  • Lampyridae - nana's skin glows from ultraviolet rays. this can cause burns and in extreme cases someone may have ill effects due to the radiation. this takes more energy from her and thus far has never been used more than a small patch of skin and at a very mild level to inflict a burn. on the plus side, her abilities have basically rendered her immune to sunburns.

environmental researchers and conservationists, shun and aya were not expecting to have a baby when they did. in fact, a child had been a rarely discussed future 'maybe if we have time' subject. still, what happens in the amazon does not always stay in the amazon. as such, nine months later, nana was born in rio de janeiro at the tail end of her parents research trip to south america. shun and aya decided that having a baby didn't have to slow them down (much) and decided to take a year off and then start their work again. it gave their families time to enjoy being grandparents (and to get nana vaccinated like she needed) before they were off to a new place again. they found they enjoyed being parents and continued to take nana with them as they traveled, chosing to homeschool her over returning to japan to settle.

nana always was singing and dancing as a child and picked up a lot from whatever culture they were around at that time. it was clear from an early age that this was a passion that wasn't going anywhere which was why it was no surprise that by the time she was eight she had already declared she was going to be a super famous musician that would help them save the world. around nana's fifteenth birthday, the family settled in japan for awhile. shun was recovering from what had been a nasty round with the lacrosse virus and aya had enough research to start writing her book on nocturnal jungle species. for her birthday that year, they had a semi-large celebration. it was half welcome home, and half happy birthday, and filled the morishita house with faces they hadn't seen in at least a decade. katori hideto was sayaka's best friend in highschool and offered to give nana a shot at stardom through the label his father had established years ago. they trusted hideto and any concern they had was easily set aside with how excited nana was at her chance to debut.

What very likely started off with the best of all intentions didn’t take long to sour. Shortly before her sixteenth birthday, nana debuted. Over night she went from being relatively unknown to a hit. Commercially, she was the biggest hit for the label in fifteen years. It was only a few months after this that the Katori patriarch and CEO of Toy Factory Records passed away suddenly. Hideto always struggled with keeping the right path and seemingly gave up trying with the passage of his father. His uncle took over as CEO and the label that had supported and loved Nana so much seemed to disappear into thin air. Nana soon found herself surrounded by people willing to do whatever it took to make the extra dollar and to get a little further in the world. Both Hideto and his uncle quickly formed strong ties with the underworld and tours became easy ways to trafficking drugs. For some time, life continued as normal for her. She had rehearsals, parties, shows, recording sessions. It kept her busy and out of Hideto’s hair. Eventually, he had a use for her. At eighteen, Nana fell in love for the first time.

He was the heir to a local pharmaceutical company and they met at a party. He was ten years her senior. It was a whirlwind she went with happily, never minding any of the red flags that popped up. It lasted nearly a year before the news broke in the paper that he had been making more than charitable donations to the label. She was accused of sleeping her way to the top and all of her hard work since she debuted was under scrutiny. Nana confronted him first, only to be directed to Hideto as the arrangement came from him. It was then that Nana discovered both her (ex)boyfriends and the Katori family ties to the underworld. It was also then she realized she was trapped. There was no leaving without losing her career at best and at worst, bringing harm to herself and those she loved.

Nana refused to take place in anything but agreed to privacy and to continue producing music as she had in the past. Hideto had one caveat that she, ultimately, agreed to. When needed, she would accompany whoever to wherever when requested. It didn’t help her reputation any and Nana quickly announced a break from music. She re-emerged at twenty one with a new attitude and a new angle. She was strong, confident, and wanted to stand up before the women of japan as an example of being yourself and living a life you enjoy. Through a PR gauntlet that left her exhausted and with no hours left in a day, Nana somehow managed to reemerge on top.

Since then, she’s had a brief relationship with choreography which ultimately ended when she discovered he had signed on more than happily to Hideto’s side hustle to fuel his own addiction to quirk enhancing drugs. Nana’s found some peace and solace in the fans around her and the constant public appearance schedule. The label provides her with housing, food, and clothing so a majority of her funds go to her family, her parents' expeditions and research, and other charities. She’s done well on keeping them unaware of her current predicament, though she’s unsure how long she can keep that up with the newly developing situations emerging from the underworld.

  • nana's first language is japanese, however over the years she's also become fluent in english and has decent spanish.
  • she normally writes her songs acoustically with a guitar first. she is proficient at playing the guitar, drums, and piano.
  • the only people who call her nana or morishita anymore is her family and hideto. for the most part, she's only referred to by her stage name, nova.
  • the space thing wasn't her idea and she actually doesn't like it that much at all. she's always been more about wildlife.
  • nana will absolutely eat too much sweets at a time. she cannot be trusted.

Katori Hideto Manager

if nana could have one wish, it would be that one day hideto washed up on shore. she's aware that it's her resemblance to her mother, the only woman he ever loved, that's kept her as safe as she has been. he pushes her about becoming more involved more than she would like and frequently acts too familiar with her. there's no one she cannot stand more than hideto.

Mifune Tatsuya ex boyfriend

nana thought tatsuya was different, really. she did. she attributes much of her jaded feelings towards relationships to him, rather than her first ex. finding out that tatsuya was involved with the labels crimes was the fastest turn off possible. he still works for the label as a member of a boy group, all of which have heavy drug use issues that the label both aids and covers up.