


7 years, 5 months ago


Used to be at the top but now he’s a bottom

Name Taob
Species Demon
Age like 2000000 years olf
Height Six foot
Gender Male (He / Him)
Sexuality gay for death ?? ?
Relationship Status Married














Reigning over all demons aligned with the water element, Taob is a grand prince of Hell who prefers to remain in a modest and quiet light. Despite this he’s often thrown into chaotic situations due to the company he keeps. Nonetheless, he’s an intelligent and dutiful man who receives nothing but praise for his actions. Even if typically silent, when his rage is evoked, Taob is quite fearsome. With the ability to manipulate water at will, the man is essentially invincible when he’s nearby large quantities of water, and even if water is sparse, he’ll form blades of ice from small vials of water he carries on his person. As a man who enjoys his solitude, save for a few close underlings and companions, he has been seen as a man who keeps to himself until Death himself turned up at his door and invaided that  privacy. Through several battles and the occasional trip to Earth, Death, or rather- as he calls himself, Zachary, managed to win the demon over and in recent events they’ve committed their lives to each other albeit to Taobs disapproval. Zach still got the ring on his finger though lol


Hell’s resident MILF and officially Mrs. Death
- Dislikes visiting Earth because he hates the amount of attention he gets from humans especially when his husband is a leather clad monstrosity who whirls around on some obnoxious, loud ass bike
- Has a total of 5 children and he loves them all sorta
- Dude wont show skin even if its like 200 degrees
- He really likes caramel