🎭 Rusty πŸ‘



4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Rusty JackAge: 19/time-wise, 9/physicallyimage0.png?width=380&height=475➼ He loves to sing, but only knows one song by heart.

➼ He has a bad fear of bugs.

➼ He acts differently depending on how many people he's around.

"I don't like him either. He gives me... bad.. what is it.. b-bad v-vibl.. v-r- vibes. Bad v-vibes."Β 

"If the police are being bad, then why don't we ignore them? Ignoring problems are the best way to deal with them-"Β 

"My name is Rusty, uhm, it's a long story, but the guy that just came out of here is being abducted by... himself?"
Gender:Β MaleSpecies: 1/2 Human, 1/2 Demon
Birthday:Β 10-3Zodiac: Libra
Magic:Β Magic Cards

➼ The ears and legs on his costume are modeled after a black sheep, loosely.
Fav. Color: Purple

➼  He tends to stop abruptly during conversations, if he feels he's talking too much as part of a bad habit of self distrust.
Backstory:Β Rusty grew up as a normal child, but had great difficulty doing things and being treated normally, due to the fact that he was born blind. His parents sought out every solution they could in a world of magical advancements and technology, but nothing seemed to work. In one deal, something went horribly wrong with the alchemy used, and the alchemist was so horrified by the results that he lied to Rusty's parents, telling them he'd died in the experiment. Β 

So with that alchemist he stayed for a little while, new, numb and unhealing cuts covering his face. After said alchemist fully convinced his parents their 9 year old was completely wiped from existence, he proceeded to seek out a friend with some connections. And so, Rusty spent 10 years of his life in a demonic stranger's house, waiting for a cure that was slowly coming into place. With an odd enchantment on him, he didn't age a single year.

Flash forward to the finishing of his "cure"- a mask that binds to his soul, allowing him sight through his mask- at a bad price. From now on, Rusty'd be one half demon. His entire motif would change, too- as a horrible quip from this demonic friend of the alchemist, his matching, enchanted outfit would be akin to that of some animalistic clown. A constant reminder that, even after he was teleported to somewhere far, far away- he'd always be a freakish joke to his new creator.

I adopted/bought the original design of him from user Crytide. A lot of things I did end up changing, but the original design definitely still shows. Thanks for the design!!Β 21409263_ACOHkeq52soTtup.jpg