


4 years, 1 month ago



Rancid, Cid, Rance, Rancey
Nonbinary man
Favorite color:
Neon green
"Well, you know, I actually dress up this way so that people will stare"

Rancid is a fucked up Insane little radioactive rabbitdog. He's also my main fursona and must be drawn fat. Around his friends he's very animated and loves to be a little shitster. He's also a certified slut for attention even though he's pretty insecure--but he tries not to let it show. Even around those he's close to, Rancid likes to come across in a very specific way and goes to great lengths to keep up that image. He thinks way too much about what others think...and he wants them to think he's Cool.

Aside from loving attention, he also loves his boyfriend Roland and every moment they spend together :-)

  • makeup!
  • tiktok (unfortunate)
  • alcohol
  • f i r e
  • mall goth/scene/emo fashion
  • boyfriend Roland
  • being told what to do
  • cringe culture
  • chronically online freaks
  • being CALLED a chronically online freak
  • getting doxxed for being a chronically online freak


Rancid is a silly boy who loves to be the center of attention. He's very loud and rambunctious and people admire him for his spunk and confidence, but the reality is that he's actually very self concious and doesn't like himself; so he overcompensates by putting on a show. It ebbs and flows though, some days he's essentially a god in his own mind and other days he spirals over the tiniest perception of abandonment. His sense of self has never been stable and he struggles with knowing exactly who he is and what he wants. Because of his inner instability he ends up being quite dramatic and very emotional, but his heart is in the right place.


Rancid is a lover of all kinds of art, especially abstract art. He's never felt "normal" and finds comfort in the absurd and abstract. He likes to paint and uses whatever he has at his disposal to create unique works of art that speak to him. The paintings he showcases in his space say so much about him--it's one of the few things he does just for himself. He doesn't show them off, they're purely for expressing and grounding himself.

Although it's not abstract, another form of art Rancid really enjoys is making kandi and other beaded jewelry! He's got tons of different bracelets and especially loves making and swapping them with Roland.

Coding is also something Rancid really enjoys! He codes all kinds of things and really wants to get into hacking. For funsies.


Rancid's relationship with his family is...delicate. Strained. Not that his family knows this, of course. His parents never really took any interest in actually getting to know who he was, they had a very clear vision of who they wanted him to be and whenever he deviated they just ignored it. He ended up feeling invisible and small. His father (rabbit) was a bully and his mother (dog) never stood up to him, so Rancid ended up taking a lot of mistreatment. He got out when he was 20 and tries to avoid them as much as possible. Unfortunately, he's still in contact with them...but hopes to cut off his father for good some day.

Though he wants to cut off his father, he can't say the same about his mother. He's a lot closer with her and has felt more sympathy towards her as he's grown older. He sees her for what she is: a smart woman who's been made to feel stupid and inferior. He still has his issues with her but he does love her a lot and hopes he can get her away from his dad as well.

Rancid does have a younger brother but he forgets they're related half the time, honestly. His brother was the golden child and Rancid was the disappointment, so he tries to not think about him.




Design notes

  • All the white + color on Rancid glows in the dark!!
  • His ears can be drawn bigger if you want
  • Hair goes down to about the middle of his back! Long haired boy :-)



Fun Facts

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Roland is Rancid's boyfriend of nearly a year!! Rancid loves him with all his heart. He's his best friend and life partner :-) They love to goof off and do stupid shit together, but they also love to create art and play video games with each other--specifically Minecraft. They could do anything together and they'd both be happy ♥


Thing is a friend of Rancid's. Rancid likes the guy and enjoys spending time with Thing, but it's evident Thing has a fascination with Rancid that it can't really let go of. It just finds him interesting, especially how Rancid is the only one able to understand what Thing thinks and feels. Rancid can read Thing's thoughts. Not literally, but kind of? No one's sure how it works.

