Spark "Sparky" Yi



4 years, 24 days ago

Basic Info




Pencil and watercolours


Appears to be 17


Light grey anthropomorphic wolf wearing a white ski jacket and black cargo pants that stop at the curve of his leg. He also has a few tear stains.


Sparky is a ball of energy and optimistic, though may be a bit on the reckless side. He’s known to be a bit of an idiot (he’s actually quite insecure about it but doesn’t show it) but he’s full of love and compassion, and he’s quite gentle when he needs to be. Sparky also acts very much like a dog, as he will play fetch or chase after squirrels.


There was a young high school artist part of the school arts club, where they hang artworks for display as well as painting murals around the school. Her name was Bridgette. She was always busy drawing in her sketchbook, painting on canvas or helping with painting murals on a wall. She became quite well-known in the whole school for her creativity, well-known enough to always have a certain set of eyes laid upon her. It was a close friend of hers, around the same age as her. He was the class clown and was usually an innocent, oblivious jokester, and seeing him so distant was an often sight to see in the eyes of other classmates. He was also part of the arts club, being a talented guitarist. His name was Spark (it's a Latin name, meaning "to scatter"), and he loved to see Bridgette show her true potential. The two were inseparable. Bridgette was his reason and savior from getting in trouble and Spark was her ray of sunshine whenever she felt down, by just talking to her or playing music with his guitar. He ran up to her side every time he had the chance and would catch up with whatever they were doing due to having 3 different classes in their current semester. It wasn't long until Bridgette would start developing feelings for the other. Bridgette wanted to tell him how she felt but she worried that his spontaneous nature might not let him understand such feelings. So one day, she decided to draw a little gift for him to try and convey how she felt.

    A long time ago, Spark told her that his favourite animal was wolves, so it gave her the inspiration to draw him as said animal. She used her free time from finishing homework to sketch it out, and then decide on how to colour it, in which she came to the conclusion that watercolours would be best as she thought the textures and brushstrokes of watercolour paints would make a good fur texture. She was halfway done and was so proud about it, though during school times she's noticed that Spark began to distance himself from her after school, and now he was the one feeling pretty down. Bridgette would try to talk to him but every time he looked at her, he had this brief moment of a pained expression along with the excuse of "I got a lot of stuff to do," then leaves with his siblings. Bridgette was now wondering about even finishing the art, so she decides to give him time until he can tell her what was wrong. To get her mind off of Spark for a while though, she decided to concentrate more on homework, which made her spend smaller time on the gift or even didn't work on it at all. Later on, Bridgette gathered her courage to talk to Spark, asking firmly why he was being so distant. Spark finally spoke up--

"I'm moving..."

    The reason he didn't want to say anything and he had to distance himself was that he had to help his family pack and he didn't want to tell her because he didn't want to see her so down hearing such sad news. He was going abroad and he wasn't sure when they'll be able to contact each other again. Bridgette felt floored. Like her life came to a screeching halt. She took the news alright during school hours but at home she couldn't even speak without a sob stuck in her throat. She tried to finish up her gift but every time she tried to continue she felt like she wanted to cry. She had tears fall onto his gift which she quickly dried up, but it only left stains. Unmotivated to finish her work, she left it alone. The next day she said her goodbyes to Spark and his family, with his last words before leaving being: "I really like you, Bridgette," then pulling her in a tight embrace. Bridgette wasn't sure if what she heard was a confession, but she replies with the same words before watching them leave. When she returns home and back into her room, she never wanted to leave. She just cried and cried until she fell asleep. The next thing she saw when she woke up, was a wolf boy watching her with worried eyes.

  "Are you okay?"